ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords - Exercise 11 with Sharon Bill
20/05/23 08:02
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 11. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 11 with Sharon Bill
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 5, Analysis of a Short Orchestral Extract - Exercise 4 with Sharon Bill
19/05/23 08:52
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 5 Exercise 4 - Analysis of a Short Orchestral Extract. This is where we really start to peel back the layers of music to see what was in a composer’s mind. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 5, Harmonic Analysis of a Short Musical Extract - Exercise 4 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 4, Harmonic Analysis of a Short Musical Extract - Exercise 4 with Sharon Bill
18/05/23 08:23
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 4 Exercise 4 - Harmonic Analysis of a Short Extract. This is where we really start to peel back the layers of music to see what was in a composer’s mind. I demonstrate how to easily find and explain chords, phrase structure and melodic devices. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 4, Harmonic Analysis of a Short Musical Extract - Exercise 4 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Ex 6 with Sharon Bill
17/05/23 12:40
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 3(a) Exercise 6 - Composing a Traditional style melody. I discuss various ways in which a short melody can be composed continuing in a given style, and how to modulate in a single melody line. I also show how a single melody line still implies full harmony, and I suggest considerations for the instrument that the composition is to be performed on. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Ex 6 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 6 with Sharon Bill
16/05/23 09:47
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 2, Exercise 6 - Realising a Figured Bass into Four Part Harmony. I explain all the rules of four part harmony that need to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 6 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords - Exercise 10 with Sharon Bill
15/05/23 08:15
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 10. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 10 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 5, Analysis of a Short Orchestral Extract - Exercise 3 with Sharon Bill
13/05/23 08:41
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 5 Exercise 3 - Analysis of a Short Orchestral Extract. This is where we really start to peel back the layers of music to see what was in a composer’s mind. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 5, Harmonic Analysis of a Short Musical Extract - Exercise 3 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 4, Harmonic Analysis of a Short Musical Extract - Exercise 3 with Sharon Bill
12/05/23 08:04
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 4 Exercise 3 - Harmonic Analysis of a Short Extract. This is where we really start to peel back the layers of music to see what was in a composer’s mind. I demonstrate how to easily find and explain chords, phrase structure and melodic devices. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 4, Harmonic Analysis of a Short Musical Extract - Exercise 3 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 5 with Sharon Bill
11/05/23 08:21
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 2, Exercise 5 - Realising a Figured Bass into Four Part Harmony. I explain all the rules of four part harmony that need to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 5 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Accomplished (Music Theory Lessons & Resources) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
07/05/23 08:27
Everything you need to successfully pass your ABRSM Music Theory Exam is right here. Step-by-step, note-by-note I work through every exercise of ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grades 1 - 5! It’s been a great learning journey, and it’s not the end of the road - for sure!
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1, 2 and 3
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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The Aural Ordeal (Preparing for the ABRSM Aural Tests) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
02/04/23 08:57
ABRSM Aural tests can be a source of stress - but it doesn’t need to be that way! I give some tips and hints on how to best approach the aural tests and be best prepared for your exam.
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Music Practice Diary
Choosing your ABRSM Practical Performance Programme - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
05/03/23 09:34
Finding a balance of contrasting and complimentary pieces to demonstrate a variety of skills in your practical/performance exam takes a bit of thinking about. It’s good to choose what you enjoy playing, and what you know you will find most comfortable, but sometimes it’s a good idea to try something completely new! If you can learn to appreciate different styles of music by choosing something new, you will broaden your musical horizons. Enjoying learning is always the key to success!
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Music Practice Diary
ABRSM Grade 2 Piano C3 Daydream with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
26/02/23 08:50
Daydream by Kristina Arakelyan C:3 of the ABRSM Grade 2 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this atmoshperic piano piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 2 Piano C2 Mozzie with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
19/02/23 08:17
Mozzie by Elissa Milne C:2 of the ABRSM Grade 2 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this characteristic piano piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 2 Piano C1 Railroad Blues with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
12/02/23 08:23
Railroad Blues by David Blackwell C:1 of the ABRSM Grade 2 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this characteristic Blues piano piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
Practising to Practice (Building Concentration for Music Practice) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
05/02/23 08:03
Concentration for music practice is a technique that is learned. If we haven’t managed to maintain a regular routine it may be that we need to learn HOW to practice before we actually start to work on our music practice! Like any skill, we learn this by degrees - little by little. If we use our time wisely we actually save time and we will be rewarded by better results sooner. Don’t waste your time - get the technique of music practice sorted. And, as always, enjoy the journey!
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Music Practice Diary
ABRSM Music Theory Lessons Online - All Grades, with Sharon Bill
03/02/23 08:05
Learn ABRSM Discovering Music Theory step by step just as if I were sitting next to you. Every exercise carefully explained note by note. Everything you need to know!
I have over 25 years teaching experience helping many students improve their music theory skills, with many achieving examination success with distinction.
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5
Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 2 Piano B3 Kangding Love Song with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
29/01/23 09:01
Kangding Love Song Arr. Austin Yip B:3 of the ABRSM Grade 2 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this lovely piano piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 2 Piano B2 Lullaby with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
22/01/23 08:26
Lullaby by C. V. Stanford B:2 of the ABRSM Grade 2 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this charming piano piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 2 Piano B1 Forget-me-not Waltz with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
15/01/23 08:16
Forget-me-not Waltz by Stephen Duro B:1 of the ABRSM Grade 2 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this lovely piano piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 2 Piano A3 Tarantella with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
08/01/23 08:00
Tarantella by Agnieszka Lasko A:3 of the ABRSM Grade 2 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this lively dance.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
Happy New Year! (Reach for the Stars whilst Keeping it Real) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
01/01/23 08:03
New Year’s resolutions get a bad press, and it all becomes about failure and negativity. We should be afraid of failing! I love this time of year - hopes and goal-setting. If I don’t quite manage to achieve it all at once, sometimes we get there by degrees… little by little is the secret to success. Then who knows where we will have got to by the end of this year!!
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Music Practice Diary
Merry Christmas! (Silent Night) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
25/12/22 08:06
I’m often asked what motivates me to keep on studying music, promoting learning music and providing lessons with which you can learn music. There are many answers, but the overriding motivation is simply that I’m just so nosey! I love stepping back into history and peeling back the layers of what was in the composer’s mind and stepping into their world. There’s always something new to learn, and the more I learn the more I realise I don’t know. They say that curiosity killed the cat, but in this case I disagree - be curious and keep learning!
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Music Practice Diary
ABRSM Grade 2 Piano A2 Gavotte in F with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
18/12/22 09:11
Gavotte in F, by J. L. Dussek A:2 of the ABRSM Grade 2 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this pastoral folk dance.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Ex 5 with Sharon Bill
12/12/22 08:17
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 3(a) Exercise 5 - Composing a Traditional style melody. I discuss various ways in which a short melody can be composed continuing in a given style, and how to modulate in a single melody line. I also show how a single melody line still implies full harmony, and I suggest considerations for the instrument that the composition is to be performed on. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Ex 5 with Sharon Bill
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ABRSM Grade 2 Piano A1 Écossaise in G with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
11/12/22 08:40
Écossaise in G by Ludwig van Beethoven, A:1 of the ABRSM Grade 2 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this lively Scottish dance.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords - Exercise 9 with Sharon Bill
09/12/22 08:47
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 9. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 9 with Sharon Bill
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Q5, Analysis of a Short Orchestral Extract - Ex 2 with Sharon Bill
09/12/22 08:32
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 5 Exercise 2 - Analysis of a Short Orchestral Extract. This is where we really start to peel back the layers of music to see what was in a composer’s mind. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 5, Analysis of a Short Orchestral Extract - Ex 2 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 4, Harmonic Analysis of a Short Extract - Ex 2 with Sharon Bill
08/12/22 08:14
IIn this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 4 Exercise 2 - Harmonic Analysis of a Short Extract. This is where we really start to peel back the layers of music to see what was in a composer’s mind. I demonstrate how to easily find and explain chords, phrase structure and melodic devices. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson:
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 4, Harmonic Analysis of a Short Extract - Ex 2 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 4 with Sharon Bill
07/12/22 08:56
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 2, Exercise 4 - Realising a Figured Bass into Four Part Harmony I explain all the rules of four part harmony that need to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 4 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Ex 4 with Sharon Bill
06/12/22 08:12
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 3(a) Exercise 4 - Composing a Traditional style melody. I discuss various ways in which a short melody can be composed continuing in a given style, and how to modulate in a single melody line. I also show how a single melody line still implies full harmony, and I suggest considerations for the instrument that the composition is to be performed on. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Ex 4 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords - Exercise 8 with Sharon Bill
05/12/22 08:22
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 8. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 8 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
I’m SO Nosey! (What Motivates Me to Keep Studying) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
04/12/22 08:03
I’m often asked what motivates me to keep on studying music, promoting learning music and providing lessons with which you can learn music. There are many answers, but the overriding motivation is simply that I’m just so nosey! I love stepping back into history and peeling back the layers of what was in the composer’s mind and stepping into their world. There’s always something new to learn, and the more I learn the more I realise I don’t know. They say that curiosity killed the cat, but in this case I disagree - be curious and keep learning!
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Music Practice Diary
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 3 with Sharon Bill
03/12/22 08:16
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 2, Exercise 3 - Realising a Figured Bass into Four Part Harmony I explain all the rules of four part harmony that need to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 3 with Sharon Bill
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Ex 3 with Sharon Bill
02/12/22 08:34
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 3(a) Exercise 3 - Composing a Traditional style melody. I discuss various ways in which a short melody can be composed continuing in a given style, and how to modulate in a single melody line. I also show how a single melody line still implies full harmony, and I suggest considerations for the instrument that the composition is to be performed on. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Ex 3 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a) Allocating Chords Exercise 7 - with Sharon Bill
01/12/22 08:08
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 7. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson -ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 7 with Sharon Bill
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Q5, Analysis of a Short Orchestral Extract - Ex 1 with Sharon Bill
30/11/22 09:04
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 5 Exercise 1 - Analysis of a Short Orchestral Extract. This is where we really start to peel back the layers of music to see what was in a composer’s mind. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 5, Analysis of a Short Orchestral Extract - Ex 1 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 PRACTICE EXAM PAPER - with Sharon Bill
29/11/22 08:07
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the final chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at a Practice Exam Paper. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 4 PRACTICE EXAM PAPER - with Sharon Bill
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 10 MUSIC IN CONTEXT - with Sharon Bill
28/11/22 08:41
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the tenth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at Music in Context, answering questions referring to an extract of music. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 10 MUSIC IN CONTEXT - with Sharon Bill
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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ABRSM Grade 1 Piano 2023 - 2024 syllabus, Play-Through of ALL Nine Pieces
27/11/22 08:21
00:00: A:1 - Allegretto in C by Anton Diabelli,
00:28: A:2 - Dragonflies, by Marjorie Helyer,
1:14: A:3 - Minuet in C, by Alexander Reinagle,
1:36: B:1 - Fresh Air, by Andrew Eales,
2:35. B:2 - A Morning Sunbeam, by Florence B. Price,
3:32: B:3 - The Quiet Wood, by Michael Head,
4:23: C:1 - Virginia Hall, by Shruthi Rajasekar,
4:58: C:2 - Sneaky Business, by Martha Mier,
5:50: C:3 - Little Whale Explores the Calm Sea, by Caroline Tyler
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 9 TERMS, SIGNS AND INSTRUMENTS (Part 2) - with Sharon Bill
26/11/22 08:49
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the ninth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at ornaments, Italian and French performance directions, and repeat signs. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 9 TERMS, SIGNS AND INSTRUMENTS (Part 2)
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 8 TERMS, SIGNS AND INSTRUMENTS (Part 1) - with Sharon Bill
25/11/22 08:31
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the eighth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at instruments and their families, instrument ranges and clefs used, and instrumental directions. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 8 TERMS, SIGNS AND INSTRUMENTS (Part 1)
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 7 TRIADS/CHORDS - with Sharon Bill
24/11/22 08:14
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the seventh chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at the primary triads and chords in root position. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 7 TRIADS/CHORDS
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 6 INTERVALS - with Sharon Bill
23/11/22 08:41
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the sixth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at the intervals of a minor 2nd, and augmented and diminished intervals. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 6 Intervals
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 5 KEYS AND SCALES (Part 2) - with Sharon Bill
22/11/22 09:37
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the fifth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at the keys and scales of B flat minor and G sharp minor, and the chromatic scale. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 5 Keys and Scales (Part 2)
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 4 KEYS AND SCALES (Part 1) - with Sharon Bill
21/11/22 08:52
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the fourth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at the technical names for the degrees of the scale, and the keys and scales of B major and D flat major. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 4 Keys and Scales (Part 1)
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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ABRSM Grade 1 Piano C3 Little Whale Explores the Calm Sea with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
20/11/22 08:09
Little Whale Explores the Calm Sea, by Caroline Tyler C:3 of the ABRSM Grade 1 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this atmospheric piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 3 PITCH - with Sharon Bill
19/11/22 08:17
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the third chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at the alto clef, double sharps, double flats and enharmonic equivalents. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 3 Pitch
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 2 RHYTHM (Part 2) - with Sharon Bill
18/11/22 08:40
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the second chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at simple and compound time signatures counting in quaver and semiquaver beats. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 2 Rhythm (Part 2)
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 Chapter 1 RHYTHM (Part 1) - with Sharon Bill
17/11/22 08:21
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the first chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 4 which looks at breves, double-dotted notes and duplets. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 1 Rhythm (Part 1)
How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 4 INTRODUCTION - with Sharon Bill
16/11/22 08:06
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! Grade 4 Music Theory is the accumulation of all of the information previously learned in ABRSM Grades 1, 2, and 3, plus the new topics now learned in ABRSM Grade 3 Discovering Music Theory. Here I give an introduction to what studying Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory will involve. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 4 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 3 PRACTICE EXAM PAPER - with Sharon Bill
15/11/22 09:37
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the final chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 3 which looks at a Practice Exam Paper. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Practice Exam Paper
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 3 Chapter 9 MUSIC IN CONTEXT- with Sharon Bill
14/11/22 08:43
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the ninth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 3 which looks at which looks at Music in Context, answering questions referring to an extract of music. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 9 Music in Context
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 1 Piano C2 Sneaky Business with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
13/11/22 08:35
Sneaky Business, by Martha Mier C:2 of the ABRSM Grade 1 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this characteristic piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 3 Chapter 8 TERMS AND SIGNS- with Sharon Bill
12/11/22 08:21
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the eighth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 3 which looks at Italian terms, music signs and performance directions. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 8 Terms and Signs
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 7 TONIC TRIADS- with Sharon Bill
11/11/22 08:29
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the seventh chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 3 which looks at tonic triads in major and minor keys with up to four sharps and flats. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 7 Tonic Triads
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 6 INTERVALS- with Sharon Bill
10/11/22 08:17
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the sixth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 3 which looks at perfect, major and minor intervals. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 6 Intervals
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 3 Chapter 5 KEYS AND SCALES (Part 2)- with Sharon Bill
09/11/22 08:25
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the fifth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 3 which looks at the melodic minor scale, and the harmonic minor scale in the keys of B, G, F#, C, C# and F minor. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 5 Keys and Scales (Part 2)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 3 Chapter 4 KEYS AND SCALES (Part 1)- with Sharon Bill
08/11/22 09:22
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the fourth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 3 which looks at the keys and scales of E major and A flat major. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 4 Keys and Scales (Part 1)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 3 Chapter 3 PITCH- with Sharon Bill
07/11/22 08:03
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the third chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at notes on three ledger lines, and transposing at an octave. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 3 PITCH
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
It’s Just Me! (So a HUGE Thank You to You!) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
06/11/22 08:17
I’m so grateful for your kind words and encouragement. It’s just me behind the camera, talking to the wall - your lovely comments make all the difference! Thank you for sharing the journey with me!
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 3 Chapter 2 RHYTHM (Part 2)- with Sharon Bill
05/11/22 08:16
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the second chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 3 which looks at simple and compound time signatures counting in quaver beats, and grouping notes and rests. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 2 Rhythm (Part 2)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 3 Chapter 1 RHYTHM (Part 1) - with Sharon Bill
04/11/22 09:07
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the first chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 3 which looks at the demisemiquaver, up-beat/anacrusis, duple, triple and quadruple time, and grouping notes and rests. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 1 Rhythm (Part 1)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 3 INTRODUCTION - with Sharon Bill
03/11/22 08:55
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! Grade 3 Music Theory is the accumulation of all of the information previously learned in ABRSM Grade 1 and ABRSM Grade 2 Discovering Music Theory plus the new topics now learned in ABRSM Grade 3 Discovering Music Theory. Here I give an introduction to what studying Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory will involve. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 PRACTICE EXAM PAPER - with Sharon Bill
02/11/22 08:02
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the final chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at a Practice Exam Paper. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Practice Exam Paper
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 10 MUSIC IN CONTEXT- with Sharon Bill
01/11/22 09:00
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the tenth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at which looks at Music in Context, answering questions referring to an extract of music. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 10 Music in Contex
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 9 TERMS AND SIGNS- with Sharon Bill
31/10/22 08:26
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the ninth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at Italian terms, music signs and performance directions. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 9 Terms and Signs
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 1 Piano C1 Virginia Hall with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
30/10/22 08:01
Virginia Hall, by Shruthi Rajasekar C:1 of the ABRSM Grade 1 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this characteristic piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 8 TONIC TRIADS- with Sharon Bill
29/10/22 08:52
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the eighth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at Tonic Triads in major and minor keys. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 8 Tonic Triads
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 7 INTERVALS- with Sharon Bill
28/10/22 08:50
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the seventh chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at Intervals, counting the distance between the degrees of the Scale. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 7 Intervals
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 6 KEYS AND SCALES (Part 2)- with Sharon Bill
27/10/22 08:06
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the sixth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at the harmonic minor scale, and the minor keys of A Minor, D Minor and E minor. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 6 Keys & Scales (Part 2)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 5 KEYS AND SCALES (Part 1)- with Sharon Bill
26/10/22 08:37
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the fifth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at the major keys of A Major, B flat Major and E flat major. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 5 Keys & Scales (Part 1)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 4 RHYTHM (Part 3)- with Sharon Bill
25/10/22 09:21
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the fourth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at grouping notes and rests. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 4 Rhythm (Part 3)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 3 RHYTHM (Part 2)- with Sharon Bill
24/10/22 08:14
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the third chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at triplets and dotted rests. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 3 Rhythm (Part 2)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 1 Piano B3 The Quiet Wood with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
23/10/22 08:36
The Quiet Wood, by Michael Head B:3 of the ABRSM Grade 1 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this atmospheric piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 2 RHYTHM (Part 1)- with Sharon Bill
22/10/22 08:05
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the second chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at new time signatures counting in minim beats and quaver beats. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 2 Rhythm (Part 1)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 Chapter 1 PITCH - with Sharon Bill
21/10/22 08:21
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the first chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 2 which looks at up to two ledger lines, above and below the stave, in the treble clef and the bass clef. The full lesson is available on my Patreon Channel. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 1 Pitch
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 2 INTRODUCTION - with Sharon Bill
20/10/22 08:15
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! Grade 2 Music Theory is the accumulation of all of the information previously learned in ABRSM Grade 1 Discovering Music Theory plus the new topics now learned in ABRSM Grade 2 Discovering Music Theory. Here I give an introduction to what studying Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory will involve. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 2 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 PRACTICE EXAM PAPER - with Sharon Bill
19/10/22 08:02
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the final chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 5 which looks at a Practice Exam Paper. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 Practice Exam Paper Pages 85 - 95 with Sharon Bill
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Chapter 9 MUSIC IN CONTEXT - with Sharon Bill
18/10/22 08:08
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the ninth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 5 which looks at Music in Context, answering questions referring to an extract of music. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 Music In Context Pages 76 - 83 with Sharon Bill
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Chapter 8 TERMS, SIGNS AND INSTRUMENTS (Pt 2) - with Sharon Bill
17/10/22 08:05
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the eighth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 5 which looks at ornaments, including trills, mordents, turns, appoggiaturas and acciaccaturas, and also looks at Italian and German performance directions. This chapter also looks at the piano and terms and signs relating to the piano. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 Terms, Signs & Instruments (Part 2) Pages 68 - 75 with Sharon Bill
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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ABRSM Grade 1 Piano B2 A Morning Sunbeam with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
16/10/22 08:04
A Morning Sunbeam, by Florence B. Price B:2 of the ABRSM Grade 1 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this delightful piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Chapter 7 TERMS, SIGNS AND INSTRUMENTS (Pt 1) - with Sharon Bill
15/10/22 08:00
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the seventh chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 5 which looks at instruments of the orchestra, transposing instruments, voices and choral scores. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 Terms, Signs & Instruments (Part 1) Pages 61 - 67 with Sharon Bill
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Chapter 6 CHORDS - with Sharon Bill
14/10/22 08:01
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the sixth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 5 which looks at the chords build on the first, second fourth and fifth degrees of the scale, and also looks at inversions of chords. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 Chords Pages 44 - 60 with Sharon Bill
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Chapter 5 INTERVALS - with Sharon Bill
13/10/22 08:47
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the fifth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 5 which looks at intervals, including major, minor, perfect, diminished, augmented and compound intervals. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 Intervals Pages 35 - 43 with Sharon Bill
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Chapter 4 KEYS and SCALES - with Sharon Bill
12/10/22 08:07
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the fourth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 5 which looks at keys and scales, in major and minor keys with key signatures up to six sharps and six flats. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 Keys and Scales Pages 27 - 34 Sharon Bill
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Chapter 3 PITCH (Part 2) - with Sharon Bill
11/10/22 08:35
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the third chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 5 which looks at transposition. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 Pitch Part 2 Pages 17 - 26 with Sharon Bill
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Chapter 2 PITCH (Part 1) - with Sharon Bill
10/10/22 08:19
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the second chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 5 which looks at the tenor clef. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 Pitch Part 1 Pages 10 - 16 with Sharon Bill
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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ABRSM Grade 1 Piano B1 Fresh Air with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
09/10/22 08:16
Fresh Air, by Andrew Eales B:1 of the ABRSM Grade 1 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this gentle, relaxing piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Chapter 1 RHYTHM - with Sharon Bill
08/10/22 08:13
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the first chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 5 which looks at simple and compound time, converting between simple and compound time, irregular time signatures, quintuplets and sextuplets. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 Rhythm Pages 1 - 9 with Sharon Bill
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 INTRODUCTION - with Sharon Bill
07/10/22 08:09
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! Grade 5 Music Theory is the accumulation of all the information learned in ABRSM Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4, plus all of the new information covered in Grade 5. Here I give an introduction to what studying Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory will involve. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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ABRSM Music Theory Exam Technique Guide - Take a Look!
06/10/22 08:04
My ‘How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam’ book is an exam technique guide which will help you be best prepared to take your music theory exam and will also help you to maximise the marks you gain when actually taking the exam. My students are always advised to follow the procedures outlined in this book and it is not unusual for students to gain Distinction - some even scoring 100%. Take a look!
How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1, 2 and 3
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam Grades 4 and 5: Exam Techniques For Everyone by Sharon Bill
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My Harmony & Composition Book - Take a Look!
05/10/22 08:47
My Harmony and Composition book is a pocket sized resource for Grades 6-8 Music Theory, and advanced harmony study. This is a distilled version of the basic concepts you need to understand for ABRSM Grades 6 - 8, easily referenced without being bamboozled by an information overload. I refer to these notes all of the time in my lessons.
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My Music Practice Diary - Take a Look!
04/10/22 08:23
My Music Practice Diary was born after a conversation discussing the need for a ‘no-nonsense’ dairy to log your daily music practice routine. Using tips from years of teaching music I have created a diary which will help you to maximise the time you spend at your instrument. You have to work smarter, not necessarily harder. Plan your work then work your plan! Take a look around my Music Practice Diary.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 4, Harmonic Analysis of a Short Extract - Exercise 1 with Sharon Bill
03/10/22 09:21
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 4 Exercise 1 - Harmonic Analysis of a Short Extract. This is where we really start to peel back the layers of music to see what was in a composer’s mind. I demonstrate how to easily find and explain chords, phrase structure and melodic devices. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 4, Harmonic Analysis of a Short Extract - Exercise 1 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM - Now the Dust Has Settled! (Reflecting on On-line Exams) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
02/10/22 08:31
Between ABRSM Music Theory exams moving to on-line, and the new pre-recorded Performance Exam there has been a lot for teachers and students alike to adjust to. Now that the dust has settled I take a reflective view on how this affects us and how to react for the best interests of continuing progress in our music-making.
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Music Practice Diary
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Exercise 2 with Sharon Bill
01/10/22 08:15
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 3(a) Exercise 2 - Composing a Traditional style melody. I discuss various ways in which a short melody can be composed continuing in a given style, and how to modulate in a single melody line. I also show how a single melody line still implies full harmony, and I suggest considerations for the instrument that the composition is to be performed on. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Exercise 2 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Exercise 1 with Sharon Bill
30/09/22 08:33
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 3(a) Exercise 1 - Composing a Traditional style melody. I discuss various ways in which a short melody can be composed continuing in a given style, and how to modulate in a single melody line. I also show how a single melody line still implies full harmony, and I suggest considerations for the instrument that the composition is to be performed on. I explain all that needs to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Question 3(a), Composing a Traditional Melody - Exercise 1 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 2 with Sharon Bill
29/09/22 09:08
In this music theory lesson I discuss all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 2, Exercise 2 - Realising a Figured Bass into Four Part Harmony I explain all the rules of four part harmony that need to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 2 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 1 with Sharon Bill
28/09/22 08:29
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 2, Exercise 1 - Realising a Figured Bass into Four Part Harmony I explain all the rules of four part harmony that need to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass - Exercise 1 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
Introduction to ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass with Sharon Bill
27/09/22 08:26
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 2 Realising a Figured Bass into Four Part Harmony I explain all the rules of four part harmony that need to be understood to fully answer this question. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Introduction to ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 2, Realising a Figured Bass with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords - Exercise 6 with Sharon Bill
26/09/22 08:51
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 6. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson: ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 6 with Sharon Bill
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 1 Piano A3 Minuet in C with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
25/09/22 08:49
Minuet in C, by Alexander Reinagle A:3 of the ABRSM Grade 1 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this lively dance-like piano piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 PRACTICE EXAM PAPER - with Sharon Bill
24/09/22 08:31
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the final chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at a Practice Exam Paper. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Practice Exam Paper
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 11 MUSIC IN CONTEXT - with Sharon Bill
23/09/22 08:12
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the eleventh chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at Music in Context, answering questions referring to an extract of music. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 11 Music in Context
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 10 TERMS AND SIGNS - with Sharon Bill
22/09/22 08:41
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the tenth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at musical terms and signs, and performance directions. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 10 Terms & Signs
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 9 TONIC TRIADS - with Sharon Bill
21/09/22 08:25
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the ninth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at tonic triads in the scales of C major, G major, D major and F major. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 9 Tonic Triads
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 8 INTERVALS - with Sharon Bill
20/09/22 08:39
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the eighth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at intervals in the scales of C major, G major, D major and F major. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 8 Intervals
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 7 KEYS AND KEY SIGNATURES - with Sharon Bill
19/09/22 08:17
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the seventh chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at key signatures and keys, and the scales of C major, G major, D major and F major. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 7 Keys & Key Signatures
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 1 Piano A2 Dragonflies with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
18/09/22 08:48
Dragonflies, by Marjorie Helyer A:2 of the ABRSM Grade 1 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this pretty character piano piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 6 SCALES - with Sharon Bill
17/09/22 08:54
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the sixth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at the construction of the major scale, the degrees of the scale, and the scales of C major, G major, D major and F major. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 6 Scales
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 5 RHYTHM (Part 3) - with Sharon Bill
16/09/22 08:28
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the fifth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at ties, dotted notes and grouping dotted notes. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 5 Rhythm (Part 3)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 4 PITCH (Part 2)- with Sharon Bill
15/09/22 08:32
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the fourth chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at accidentals (sharps, flats and naturals), and also looks at semitones and tones. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 4 Pitch (Part 2)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 3 RHYTHM (Part 2) - with Sharon Bill
14/09/22 08:12
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the third chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at semiquavers (sixteenth notes) grouping notes, and rests. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 3 Rhythm (Part 2)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 2 PITCH (Part 1) - with Sharon Bill
13/09/22 08:44
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the second chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at notes in the treble clef, notes in the bass clef, and semibreves (whole notes), minims (half notes), crotchets (quarter notes) and quavers (eighth notes) on the stave. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lessons - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 2 Pitch (Part 1)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 Chapter 1 RHYTHM (Part 1) - with Sharon Bill
12/09/22 08:11
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! In this Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lesson I will guide you through the first chapter of ABRSM Music Theory in Practice Grade 1 which looks at the note values of the semibreve (whole note), minim (half note), crotchet (quarter note) and quaver (eighth note), bars and time signatures. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Chapter 1 Rhythm (Part 1)
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 1 Piano A1 Allegretto in C with Sharon Bill (2023 and 2024 syllabus)
11/09/22 08:06
Allegretto in C by Anton Diabelli, A:1 of the ABRSM Grade 1 Exam syllabus. Here is a play-through of this lovely piano piece.
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How To Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam - Grades 1-3
New ABRSM Music Theory Grade 1 INTRODUCTION - with Sharon Bill
10/09/22 08:09
Welcome to my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tutorials! Grade 1 Music Theory is the foundation of all music theory. All of the following Grades build upon the knowledge gained in ABRSM Grade 1. Here I give an introduction to what studying Grade 1 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory will involve. The full lessons are available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from these lessons are included in this short video.
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How to Take Your ABRSM Music Theory Exam, Grades 1-3
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a) Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 5 - with Sharon Bill
09/09/22 08:46
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 5. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson: ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - with Sharon Bill, Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 5
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a) Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 4 - with Sharon Bill
08/09/22 09:11
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 4. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson: ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - with Sharon Bill, Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 4
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a) Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 3 - with Sharon Bill
07/09/22 08:43
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 3. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson: ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - with Sharon Bill, Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 3
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a) Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 2 - with Sharon Bill
06/09/22 08:07
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 2. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson: ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - with Sharon Bill, Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 2
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Harmony and Composition
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory - Question 1(a) Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - Exercise 1 - with Sharon Bill
05/09/22 08:55
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Exercise 1. Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Introduction to ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory- with Sharon Bill, Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody
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Harmony and Composition
A Fresh Start! (The New Academic Year) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
04/09/22 08:38
This is my favourite time of year - I love the start of the new academic year! It’s a fresh start, a new beginning where you can plan your goals and focus your efforts anew. Keeping a journal, with a music practice diary, is a great way to focus your efforts and get the most from your time at your instrument. After a break I’m eager to get cracking - and to get stuck in!
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Music Practice Diary
Music Practice Diary
ABRSM Music Theory Grade 6 - Introduction to Question 1a Allocating Chords to a Given Melody - with Sharon Bill
03/09/22 09:08
In this music theory lesson I explain all you need to know to successfully answer ABRSM Grade 6 Question 1a Allocating chords to a given melody line implies the rules of four-part harmony. The full lesson is available on my Patreon channel. Sample examples from this lesson are included in this short video.
Link to lesson - Introduction to ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory- with Sharon Bill, Question 1(a), Allocating Chords to a Given Melody
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Harmony and Composition
UnBoxing MY Books (Harmony & Composition, and Music Practice Diary) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
28/08/22 08:44
So thrilled to have my NEW books in my hand. My Harmony and Composition book is a pocket sized resource for Grades 6-8 Music Theory, and advanced harmony study. Also, my Music Practice Journal helps you to keep track of your instrument practice, along with motivational quotes from luminary composers such as J. S. Bach. I also include helpful teaching tips derived from my years of being a music tutor.
It’s always exciting to receive a parcel, but it’s so very thrilling to have my own books in my hand! Thank you for sharing the moment with me.
#harmonyandcomposition #musicpracticediary #books
So Excited 😃🎼📚
My new books are now available via Amazon worldwide
Harmony and Composition
Music Practice Diary
Harmony and Composition
Music Practice Diary
New ABRSM Music Theory Lessons, Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 Online Now - with Sharon Bill
21/08/22 08:09
ABRSM GRADE 6 MUSIC THEORY LESSONS now available on my Patreon channel. Plus, all ABRSM Discovering Music Grade 1 - 5, advert free.
Lessons are also scheduled on my YouTube channel.
Step-by-step lessons are available to help you through every exercise, just as if I were sitting next to you. Sample lessons are shown in this video.
Newly scheduled lessons on YouTube include Discovering Music Theory Grade 2, pages 25 - 26 Keys and Scales; Grade 3, pages 16 - 17, Compound time Grade 5, pages 89 - 91, Practice Exam Paper Sections 3 & 4 - Keys and Scales, and Intervals.
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New ABRSM Music Theory Lessons, Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 AND 6 - with Sharon Bill
14/08/22 08:35
ABRSM GRADE 6 MUSIC THEORY LESSONS now available on my Patreon channel. Plus, all ABRSM Discovering Music Grade 1 - 5, advert free.
Lessons are also scheduled on my YouTube channel.
Step-by-step lessons are available to help you through every exercise, just as if I were sitting next to you. Sample lessons are shown in this video.
Newly scheduled lessons on YouTube include Discovering Music Theory Grade 2, pages 23 - 24 Grouping Notes and Rests; Grade 3, Pages 14 - 15 Grouping Notes and Rests in Compound Time; Grade 5, pages 85 - 88, Practice Exam Paper Sections 1 & 2 - Rhythm and Pitch.
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ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory Overview - Music Matters with Sharon Bill
07/08/22 08:33
ABRSM Music Theory Grade 6 lessons will soon be released onto my Patreon channel. Before we jump into working through the exercises I want to explain how the lessons will be organised and what is involved. Here is a quick outline of my plan.
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New ABRSM Music Theory Lessons - UPDATE 31st July 2022 - with Sharon Bill
31/07/22 08:15
ABRSM MUSIC THEORY LESSONS added weekly on my YouTube Channel. Step-by-step lessons are available to help you through every exercise, just as if I were sitting next to you. Sample lessons are shown in this video.
Newly scheduled lessons include Grade Discovering Music Theory 2, pages 19 - 20 Grouping Notes and Rests; Grade 3; Pages 9 - 10 Grouping Notes and Rests; Grade 5, pages 76 - 79, Music in Context.
All lessons for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 are now available, advert free, on my Patreon channel.
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New ABRSM Music Theory Lessons - UPDATE - with Sharon Bill
24/07/22 08:07
ABRSM MUSIC THEORY LESSONS added weekly on my YouTube Channel. Step-by-step lessons are available to help you through every exercise, just as if I were sitting next to you. Sample lessons are shown in this video.
Newly scheduled lessons include Grade Discovering Music Theory 2; Triplets and Dotted Rests; Grade 3; Duple, Triple and Quadruple Time, and Grouping Notes and Rests, and Grade 5; German, French and Italian performance directions, and Terms and Signs relating to the piano.
All lessons for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 are now available, advert free, on my Patreon channel.
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New ABRSM Music Theory Lessons - with Sharon Bill
17/07/22 09:17
ABRSM MUSIC THEORY LESSONS added weekly on my YouTube Channel. Step-by-step lessons are available to help you through every exercise, just as if I were sitting next to you. Sample lessons are shown in this video.
Newly scheduled lessons include Grade Discovering Music Theory 2, Rhythm, - Triplets; Grade 3, rhythm - demisemiquavers and Grade 5, ornaments and Italian performance directions.
All lessons for Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 are now available, advert free, on my Patreon channel.
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The NEW ABRSM Music Theory Grades 1-5 Lessons All Online Now with Sharon Bill
10/07/22 08:39
ABRSM Music Theory Lessons in Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 - everything you need to know. My lessons give step-by-step guidance through every single exercise in the Discovering Music Theory workbooks, just as if I were sitting next to you. Clear instruction and teaching makes learning easy and enjoyable.
I love music theory and I love to share the joy of learning my favourite subject. Get your pencils sharpened and enjoy your studies!
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Work Smarter Not Longer (Maximise Your Music Practice) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
03/07/22 08:15
Work smarter - not necessarily longer or harder! Maximise your music practice time by being wise and making the most of your time at your instrument.
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ABRSM Music Theory Lessons Schedule - 26th June 2022 - with Sharon Bill
26/06/22 08:37
NEW MUSIC THEORY LESSONS added weekly. Step-by-step lessons are available, advert free, my Patreon Channel. Also, lessons are scheduled daily on my YouTube channel. This means that everything you need to know for ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 are available - just as if I were sitting right next to you.
Newly scheduled lessons include Grade 1 Discovering Music Theory Practice Exam Paper, Grade 2 Rhythm and Grade 5 Terms, Signs & Instruments
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NEW ABRSM Music Theory Lessons - Update 19th June 2022 - with Sharon Bill
19/06/22 08:06
NEW MUSIC THEORY LESSONS this week include Grade 4 - now available on my Patreon Channel, with the last lessons being added over this next week. This means that everything you need to know for ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are available - just as if I were sitting right next to you. This video shows sample lessons from each Grade.
Daily scheduled lessons on my YouTube channel this week include Grade 1 Discovering Music Theory Practice Exam Paper, Grade 2 Rhythm and Grade 5 Chords and Cadences.
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NEW ABRSM Music Theory Lessons - with Sharon Bill
12/06/22 08:34
New Music Theory Lessons this week include Grade 4 - now available on my Patreon Channel, with the last lessons being added over this next week. This means that everything you need to know for ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 are available - just as if I were sitting right next to you. This video shows sample lessons from each Grade.
Daily scheduled lessons on my YouTube channel this week include Grade Discovering Music Theory 1 Practice Exam Paper, Grade 2 Pitch and Grade 5 Chords and Inversions.
ALL Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Lessons are available on my Patreon Channel
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Busman’s Holiday (Music at Work and at Play) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
05/06/22 08:19
“You must really like music, it’s your job AND your hobby!” Somebody said that to me years ago. I’d never really thought of it that way - I don’t tend to make boundaries. I enjoy teaching as my ‘job’, and I enjoy music in a myriad of ways in addition to that. Surely its about immersing yourself in the subject and enjoying all aspects that are available to you. Don’t be ‘clock-watching’ - enjoy the journey!
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Shout Out and Thank You - ABRSM Music Theory Lessons with Sharon Bill
29/05/22 08:05
I want to thank you for your kind comments and your great work. The ABRSM Music Theory lessons that I provide are very rewarding for me, but especially so when I hear that you have achieved such great results and I receive such kind and encouraging comments from you. Thank you!
My YouTube Channel
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ABRSM Music Theory Lessons Update 22nd May 2022 - with Sharon Bill
22/05/22 08:41
My ABRSM Music Theory Lessons for Grade 3 are now complete! This means that, as of next week, ALL lessons for ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grades 1,2, 3 and 5 are available - everything you need to know, just as if I were sitting right next to you.
Lessons for ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grades 1 and 5 have been scheduled daily on my YouTube channel, and next week lessons for ABRSM Discovering Music theory will be added into the schedule.
This means that my only remaining task is to prepare and record lessons for ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 4, and that is my half term project. Then I can move straight on to providing lessons for ABRSM Grade 6!
ALL Grades 1, 2, 3 & 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Lessons are available on my Patreon Channel
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ABRSM Music Theory Lessons - Scales and Chords Lessons - with Sharon Bill
15/05/22 08:12
I particularly enjoyed recording the ABRSM Music Theory lessons which have been scheduled on my Patreon channel and YouTube channel this week. The lessons released have covered the topics of the harmonic minor scale, the melodic minor scale, triads, chords and cadences. I hope that you enjoy studying these subjects as much as I have enjoyed preparing them!
ALL Grades 1, 2 & 5 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Lessons are available on my Patreon Channel, and lessons guiding you through ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 3 chapters are being added weekly.
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ABRSM Music Theory Lessons Plan- with Sharon Bill - Update 8th May 2022
08/05/22 08:12
I’ve been asked when certain ABRSM Discovering Music Theory lessons will become available, and so I thought it would be a good idea to let you know my plan for ABRSM Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Also, I have an exciting announcement… get ready for Grade 6, coming this summer…!
Enjoy your studies!
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Music Podcast Chat (Back to the Basement with Mikey) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
01/05/22 08:17
What does Punk and Classic have in Common. How does Taiwan and Staffordshire, England connect? Music!
It was so great to chat with Mikey, in his ‘Back to the Basement’ Podcast. Neither difference in musical style preference nor thousands of miles distance inhibited the flow of conversation. We could have chatted all day! Join us and listen.
LINKS to “Back to the Basement - Getting to know Sharon Bill”
Getting To Know ... Sharon Bill (Musician, author)
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ABRSM Music Theory Lessons with Sharon Bill - Update 24th April 2022
24/04/22 09:48
I’m back at my desk and I wanted to show you what I’ve been up to. I’m progressing through the Grade 3 ABRSM Discovering Music Theory - the first three chapters are now on my Patreon Channel. I also wanted to show you which videos have been scheduled onto my YouTube channel this last week, and what lessons will be scheduled next week.
So you can get a taste of my music theory lessons, I’ve added a selection of sample lessons at the end of this video. You can see samples of lessons in ABRSM Grades 1, 2, 3 and 5 - it’s just as if you are sitting next to me as you work through the questions. Enjoy your studies!
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New ABRSM Music Theory Lessons with Sharon Bill
17/04/22 08:20
I’m pleased to announce that all the ABRSM Grade 2 Discovering Music Theory lessons are now available on my Patreon Channel. This means that all of the lessons for Grades 1, 2 and 5 are now available to access in long format lessons, with chapter divisions marking the beginning of each new section. I work through every single exercise, just as if I were sitting next to you.
I’m busy working away to get ABRSM Discovering Music Theory grades 3 and 4 ready to follow quickly onto my Patreon channel. These lessons will then be followed by a launch of the advanced theory lessons, for which I will start with ABRSM Music Theory grade 6 and will then follow on with Grade 8 and then Grade 7.
Keep those pencils sharpened and enjoy your studies.
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Thank you! New ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Videos and New Patrons - Sharon Bill
10/04/22 08:37
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement and for your support. Your kindness and generosity is really motivating me to crack on working through the ABRSM Discovering Music Theory series.
Become a Patron
Is Music FUN? - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
03/04/22 08:10
“How can I make practising scales more fun?” and “How can I make my music practice fun?” are questions that I keep seeing on social media. The main question here is, ‘should music practice be fun?’ I guess it depends upon how you define the word ‘fun’. It’s definitely rewarding, satisfying - and enjoyable, for sure. But I’m not sure ‘fun’ is the most helpful word if we are looking for success in our achievement goals.
Why Study Music Theory? ABRSM Grade 2 Discovering Music Theory - Sharon Bill
27/03/22 08:06
As I prepare lessons for my Patreon Channel and subsequent YouTube lessons, it comes home to me again how important music theory is to support and benefit a musician in their practice and performance - no matter what instrument or style of music you play.
ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Update, Grades 1, 2 & 5 (20th March 2022) - Sharon Bill
20/03/22 08:00
I’m back at my desk - back in my happy place! I’ve now completed the third chapter of the Grade 2 Discovering Music Theory Workbook, which is now available - advert free - on Patreon. Some interesting points of discussion have arisen from working through this chapter on triplets and dotted rests, and so I’ve created some extra lessons for my Patrons where we can take a closer look at these topics. It’s good to put music theory under the microscope sometime - there’s always something to learn!
Of course lessons for Grades 1 and 5 Discovering Music Theory are being scheduled daily on my YouTube channel, and the other grades will follow on. Keep those pencils sharpened and enjoy your studies.
Pianos al Fresco (Music is a Garden/Weeding Between the Bars) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
06/03/22 08:57
My recent return to vinyls and LPs has uncovered some unusual record sleeve artwork. This particular album cover brought back an embarrassing memory of one of my own hilariously staged shots. This particular album photograph caused my thinking to take an unusual turn in comparing playing music to gardening. The connection isn’t as unusual as it might at first seem.
ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grades 1, 2 & 5 Update - Sharon Bill
27/02/22 09:16
I’m still working away at my desk - it’s definitely my happy place! I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve completed all of the lessons for the ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grades 1 and 5. These are all available on my Patreon Channel, and of course they are being scheduled daily on YouTube. My next task is to work through the ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 2.
Don’t forget that the grades build up in an accumulative manner. You must work through each grade and build on the information. If you are studying at Grade 5, you still need to remember all the topics in the earlier grades. Sometimes it’s a good idea to revisit earlier grades to ‘brush away the cobwebs’. Enjoy your studies!
ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Lessons Update - Sharon Bill
20/02/22 08:21
I’m busy beavering away recording lessons to work through the ABRSM Discovering Music Theory workbooks, and so I’m staying at the desk and under the camera this week. Lessons continued to be scheduled daily.
I’m so thrilled to announce that I now have two patrons! All of the ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 1 lessons are now available on my Patreon Channel and the final two chapters of ABRSM Discovering Music Theory Grade 5 will be added this week.
I’m working through everything you need for your studies, so let’s get those pencils sharpened and let’s get cracking!
All Change! (Vlog Schedule Change) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
13/02/22 08:39
From new ABRSM on-line exam entry systems to new remotely assessed exams, new computer software and a new way of teaching, this year has been a lot to adjust to .Not to mention so many changes in life in general. It’s no wonder that I feel that I’m a bit behind schedule in what I had planned to do by this time. However, as my Gran used to say, “A change is as good as a rest.” There is no doubt that all of the changes over this last year have channelled my teaching practice into a whole new dimension. It’s been a bit of a refining fire, but the resultant clarity has been worth it!
Musical Whimsies (Embracing the Random) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
06/02/22 10:34
A change in the programme for choir, from Mozart Requiem to various animal related pieces of music, initially left me moaning and grumpy. But after singing the works of Eric Whitacre Aaron Copeland and Benjamin Britten, I realise that I was too hasty to cast judgement. We are enjoying singing, and enjoying making music - and that’s what it’s all about!
Lessons Launch (ABRSM Discovering Music Theory) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
30/01/22 08:11
Finally, after much hard work and waiting, I am thrilled to announce the launch of my ABRSM Discovering Music Theory tuition programme. My lessons will guide you through each exercise, as you progress through each workbook, step-by-step. I am also pleased to announce the launch of my Patreon channel, which will provide the opportunity for instant access to all lessons without the interruption of adverts.
I love music theory and sincerely believe that it is of great benefit to any musician, it helps you to understand the music that you play and helps you become a more informed listener.
Thank you for sharing your learning journey with me. I look forward to delving into the subject together.
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List of Patreon Lessons on my Website
Renaissance Required (Rebirth of Music, Arts & Learning) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
23/01/22 08:04
A bumpy return to choir rehearsals, and live music in general, caused the comment, “We need a Renaissance.” Like the Phoenix, we need to rise from the ashes of inertia and we need to embrace a love of learning, a love of the arts and music. Let’s take inspiration, roll our sleeves up and get involved - even if it has to just start in our own living room!
Music Archeology (Music Theory and Harmonic Analysis) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
16/01/22 08:21
Music theory and analysis is so much more than dry (and difficult) exercises) - it’s like archeology! As you sift through the layers there is so much to discover. When learning a piece of music it can be so much more than just playing the blobs on the page. What was life like when the music was composed? What was the composer like? What form does the music take? It is SO interesting! The more you understand the music that you are playing, the better you will be at playing it - and you will get so much more enjoyment from your music as a whole!
ABRSM Exam Success! (Encouragement and Grateful Thanks) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
09/01/22 08:37
Congratulations on your ABRSM Music Theory exam success! I’m so grateful to you for your hard work, and for getting such great results. I’m so very pleased that my music theory tutorials have been helpful to you. If you are working towards a theory exam be encouraged by the success of others and let it spur you on. Everything you need to know is right here on my YouTube channel. We’ve enjoyed a bit of a break, but now it’s time to get cracking! Special thanks go to those who have ‘bought me a coffee’ your generosity overwhelms me and I’m so grateful. Thank you so, so much.
The Deep Breath Before the Plunge (Happy New Year!) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
01/01/22 08:09
New Year/New Me isn’t really my kind of thing, but I do love this sense of pause as a time to reflect and plan ahead, before we launch into a brand new year. It’s like “the deep breath before the plunge.” This sense of preparing for a fresh start gets me rummaging through my music books, sharpening my pencils and planning out the year ahead. I hope you will join me in all that the next year has to bring. In the mean time enjoy this lull… Happy New Year to you!
Merry Christmas! (In the Bleak Mid Winter) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
24/12/21 08:01
In the hurly-burly leading up to Christmas I’ve enjoyed playing through some carols from a vintage carol book that was given to my mum in 1951. My present favourite is In the Bleak Mid-Winter, in particular with the words written by Christina Rossetti. I hope you will excuse a little indulgence in musical ‘splurge’ as I enjoy busking through this carol - surely this is the time of year for such playing! Thank you for your support over this last year. I look forward to what the next year holds for us, but until then I hope you enjoy this carol.
Does It Matter? (What’s a Wrong Note Between Friends?) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
19/12/21 08:15
Singing a wrong note for almost 30 years (the whole of the soprano section!) just goes to show that the odd wrong note here and there doesn’t spoil a performance. Of course, we practise and rehearse so as to get it right, but on concert (or exam) day it’s just a note and needn’t spoil the whole performance. Do your best and then just enjoy the music!
Music Dual Carriageway (Academic and Social Music) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
12/12/21 08:21
We often get ‘stuck on the tracks’ in our music routine, but sometimes it’s good to ‘switch lanes’ and play in a different way. There’s great benefit in playing with an academic approach - it gives us many skills. However, sometimes it’s good to just chill and knock out a jolly tune, in a more social sense. In this way we can learn to be more flexible with the music we play, and develop our sense of pitch and rhythm. If we tend to play in a more social approach sometimes it would greatly improve our performance if, once in a while, we deviate from our normal routine and dig into some technical studies. Then, when we return to our favourite genre, we have more to give to our musical interpretation. Dare to switch lanes!
Through the Keyhole (Life as a Music Tutor) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
05/12/21 08:22
Life as a music tutor gives many opportunities to count my blessings - it’s such a privilege to share in other people’s music learning journey. I do say some funny things; my brain offers some strange insights into how to navigate through the music. I also get the opportunity to learn along the way! The end result should be that we enjoy learning together. Thank you for sharing your journey with me.
Share the Journey (Music Should Be Heard) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
28/11/21 09:02
Music is to be heard. Art is to be seen. A long awaited outing to hear my friend’s choir concert, under Luke Jerram’s GAIA installation, poignantly brought this message home. No matter where we are in our musical journey, whilst we ourselves should enjoy the journey, let’s remember to share the journey!
Annotate Away (Scribble on Your Music) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
21/11/21 08:48
The pencil is a musician’s best friend, for both performance and music theory. If I see a completely clean sheet of music I doubt if it’s been played at all - but it should be used judiciously. There are some things you just shouldn’t do!
Piano Fingering (and other instruments) Does it Matter? - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
14/11/21 08:16
If we play the right notes, but using incorrect fingering, does it matter? Typically the answer is both yes and no. Not only is this a massive part of piano playing, but the principle of correct fingering is appropriate in many other instruments. In my case woodwind (flute and recorder) can equally suffer from lazy finger technique. However, we can sometimes ignore or change suggested fingering patterns - the big question is when?
Create vs Consume (Why Do We Bother to Play an Instrument?) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
07/11/21 08:31
Why do we bother to play an instrument? What motivates us to keep practising to improve our musical skills? We always have a choice about whether to create or to consume - in every endeavour. When it comes to music (and other ventures too!) I’m drawn to want to engage more deeply. I’m not satisfied to be passive and just let it all wash over me! From my young childhood I had a longing that I couldn’t articulate - I wanted to be involved in music at a deeper level. Each of us choose to create or to consume. When we choose to play an instrument we involve ourselves more deeply and we get a greater sense of satisfaction as a result.
Be At One (With Your Instrument)?!? - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
31/10/21 08:47
Your instrument should be an extension of yourself… We hear that all the time, and it sounds like a magical solution to our performance problems. How do we get to the point where our instrument feels like it is part of our very self? The answer is so very simple - but not magically easy. There’s no mysticism - the answer is the same as it ever was when learning anything …
‘Authentic’ Recorder Repertoire - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
24/10/21 08:11
After about a year of dabbling with the treble recorder I’m thrilled to be learning about the heritage of the instrument and to now be able to start looking into more authentic music appropriate to the instrument. In the very beginner stages its enough to be able to play any music but now I’m really enjoying getting more into the heart of the instrument and playing music that is more suitable to the heritage of the recorder. Authentic music, true to the composer’s original intent, is almost an impossibility - but we can have a good idea!
Step it Up (Mindfulness and Benefits in Scales and Exercises) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
17/10/21 09:30
Scales, arpeggios and technical exercises get bad press and we often think of them as ‘bad medicine’ which must be taken, or a ‘bolt-on’ extra when learning an instrument. However, this is a sad state of affairs and we are missing so many of the benefits our playing might gain, and also the opportunity for some calm therapy whilst sitting at our instrument. It’s time to give these matters our proper attention.
Practice Partners (Accountability and Encouragement in Your Music) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
10/10/21 08:08
Good habits and bad habits - we all need help to keep the good and lose the bad! We are often advised to get an accountability buddy to help us stay on track. Why not find practice partner to keep us focussed in our music too? It could be as simple as a piece of paper or a kind friend, right through to mobile phone apps - there are lots of tools which can help us achieve what we are aiming for. Work your plan, then plan your work - and have some oversight to keep you on the right lines.
ABRSM Exams (Which One? Every One?) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
03/10/21 08:26
Exams are a great way to focus your practice and to give objective feedback on your musical development. However, which exam should you take? Should you take the performance exam remotely or attend an exam venue? Also, should you take every single grade - whether theory or practical? It’s a good question! No single answer can satisfy such a question, every person’s situation at that time is difference. The most important thing is to be prepared - then you have can choose what best suits you at the time.
Music Therapy (Listening is Good, Playing is Even Better!) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
26/09/21 09:14
Music is a great resource for soothing the soul. Nobody doubts the efficacy of listening to music to raise the spirits. However, if you can play music - at whatever level - the benefits are so much more magnified. Science shows us that the brain engages most fully when playing an instrument - and that’s only the start of the positive effects that playing music holds for us. When life gets tough - get playing!
Me and My Flute (My Trevor James Flute) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
19/09/21 08:03
I’m falling in love with my Trevor James flute - again. We’ve had a patchy relationship in the past but I’m rediscovering my love for all things flute. I started playing at about 12 years old and playing flute had a huge impact on my teenage years - though it wasn’t without its disasters! Decades later I’m finding the love all over again!
Mozart Requiem (Return to Choir) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
12/09/21 08:33
After nearly two years, choir rehearsal resume! What a work to start with: Mozart’s Requiem! It’s a substantial work and a BIG sing, but I love it so much! It’s also so great to be back, seeing my choir friends and singing great music. We perhaps had a rusty start, but it’s a start - and I’m so happy to be back!
Maximise Your Music (Optimise Your Music Practice) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
05/09/21 08:12
Get the best from your instrument, and work smarter not harder. Don’t waste your time as when you sit at your instrument. With the start of a new academic year make your music routine work for you and get the most out of your music.
A New Leaf (Music Goals for the Next Academic Year) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
29/08/21 08:43
I absolutely love a new academic year - it’s my favourite time of year! As the holidays end, this is the time to start mapping out your music journey. Grab a notepad and a pen, rummage through your piles of music books and plan out the year ahead. Whatever has gone before, whether it’s success or not, we can make a fresh new start. Share my excitement as I prepare for the forthcoming academic year.
Music Manuscript Musings - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
22/08/21 09:36
Computer software programmes, like Sibelius etc, are all well and good, however, handwriting music notation still has a place. Not only is it a great skill for a musician to have, it’s also a thing of beauty! If you take the time to neatly write out music manuscript you have a much more engaged and tactile relationship to the notes you write - you can really connect with the music you write and the notes start to sing off the page. This is bound to help your understanding of music. Computer music print outs are a super way to quickly and effectively but, while we may not want to go to the time and trouble to create the illuminated manuscripts of Gregorian Music, let not throw away the time-honoured skill of writing music by hand.
Vintage Descant Recorder - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
15/08/21 09:19
A vintage recorder now adds a quintessential element to what has become a growing collection of recorders. Made of Bakelite, this beautiful recorder is such a joy! I'm so grateful for such beautiful gifts from such great friends. In its original box it even has the old pencil that she used to take to recorder practice. It seems that addition, instead of replacement, has become the pattern for my little hobby of playing recorder.
Thank You (Buy Me A Coffee - Building My Foundations) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
08/08/21 08:37
Thank you so much for “buying me a coffee” - I’m overwhelmed by your kindness. Much as I love coffee, and as energising as coffee is, your support means that I can reinvest into my channel. It’s so encouraging to hear how my tuition has helped your studies - so much so that I’m cutting back on some of my commitments to pour more into my videos. (Like the tip of the iceberg, they’ll start appearing soon!) In the meantime your ‘coffee’ is sustaining me. Thank you!
My Buy Me A Coffee Page
Success! (ABRSM Music Theory Exam Encouragement) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
01/08/21 09:03
Here’s proof that teamwork and hard work pay off - so many distinctions. Well done for such great results. Also, thank you for the encouragement to me for my Music Theory Video Lessons. I have videos for everything you need to fully understand your music theory, and here is evidence that success is within your grasp. Congratulations to all those who have passed.
Exam Failure (Take Heart - All is Not Lost) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
25/07/21 08:11
Although it’s disappointing failing an exam is not the end of the world and we can greatly benefit from the experience. The constructive criticism and feedback can be so beneficial and provides a great foundation to build from. So shake your feathers, dust yourself down and make the experience a positive boost to your music. It’s all part of life!
Chill Ma Beans (Then Planning and Playing!) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
18/07/21 08:24
After what seems like a very long year of teaching piano, flute and music theory, the start of the summer break doesn’t mean a long break with nothing to do. Nevertheless, it’s good to step out of the music room and take a moment to “chill ma beans” - or at least chill with my beans. I love this time of being more ‘off-timetable’ and I use it to gather my thoughts, plan for the future and have a bit more time to play music myself. In my book ‘Letters from The Broom Cupboard’ I talk about ‘the lesser spotted music tutor’ who steps blinkingly into the sunshine. Thank you for sharing the moment with me. I look forward to showing you my plans as they unfold!
Music in Context (Deeper Interpretation in Musical Performance) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
11/07/21 09:21
Thinking about the composer and the world they lived in can give us a deeper understanding in our musical performance. Social history is fascinating. Art, literature, and music can give us a deeper and wider perspective on the music that we love and play.
The Problem with Piano (Solo vs Ensemble Musical Performance) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
04/07/21 08:51
The piano is a great instrument - probably my favourite instrument. When playing piano you can be your own one-man band. You can play melody and harmony, as far as your dexterity allows - it’s like having an orchestra at your fingertips. However, herein lies part of the problem - you are playing on your own. You just can’t beat music-making together. The sense of performing as part of a group, or duet, is unbeatable. It’s kind of addictive! If you get the chance, seek out the opportunity to play piano duets, even if it’s just with your teacher. Playing music with friends is simply the best!
Memorising Music or Not (When Not to Play Music from Memory) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
27/06/21 09:17
Playing from memory is a very particular technique, not to be confused with playing on automatic pilot. It is vitally important that you are aware of the difference and don’t slip into the habit of not looking at the music merely because you can play on reflex. Mere repetition doesn’t create perfect performance from memory and should be avoided at all costs. Make sure you keep looking at the music, unless you are especially memorising music, otherwise you end up guessing and practicing in mistakes.
Digesting Digital Music Theory (The New ABRSM Music Theory Exams) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
20/06/21 08:02
The new ABRSM remotely assessed, digital music theory exam has taken some getting used to. However, now that the dust has settled and we’ve had time to see how it all works, I find that music is always music! Here are my thoughts as a teacher. There are pros and cons, and things to watch out for. What do you think?
Music Life Jacket (Time-Wasting Cargo Overboard) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
13/06/21 08:27
Time management is a fine art, especially when it comes to fitting in a music practice routine. I’m sure the earth is spinning faster and an hour passes by swifter than ever! I find myself continually evaluating tasks to see if I judge them as ‘priority important’ or not - if not I toss them overboard to save the ship from sinking. We aren’t machines however, and so family and social occasions do get thrown a life jacket. The main objective is to make sure that my time at my instrument doesn’t get washed overboard.
Pass it On (Mutual Encouragement in Music and Art) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
06/06/21 09:03
Extra curricular piano lessons unexpectedly result in a lovely artistic representation of Medieval stonework in Brittany. Although the various lockdown scenarios have had much negative impact, one bonus has been to find new flexibility and creativity. And so, no matter if a student is stuck in France - we can keep on playing! In the arts it can easily be a negative environment, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you get a chance to show a little kindness and encouragement - pass it on!
The Humble Pencil (A Musician’s Best Friend) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
30/05/21 08:31
My journey in music has had the humble pencil as a constant companion. Partly due to necessity - you have to take your pencil to orchestra and choir (or you’re in trouble!), but mostly because I simply love scribbling with a pencil! Music and scribbling with a pencil have been inextricably intertwined since I was about six years old. Just holding a pencil in my hand makes me think better and it’s so relaxing to scribble notes and hear the scratchy sound as the notes form on the page. A new pack of pencils opens up a vista of memories, as I realise just how happy a pack of pencils makes me. They say it’s good to celebrate the small things in life, but in this case such a small thing has rather a big place in my life.
Get it Right! (Bemoaning Bad Music Merch) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
23/05/21 08:12
Music merchandise can be great, but it can be super annoying! If you’re going to emblazon a product with notation please get it right! Music is a thing of beauty as a visual art in it’s own right, but it should be playable and make music sense. It doesn’t take much to get a note drawn the right way round and it annoys me when it’s a bad rendition. Perhaps I take things too seriously? Do I need to chill out a bit?
Buy Me A Coffee (and Thank You to You Too!) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
16/05/21 08:38
I’ve added the opportunity to “Buy Me A Coffee” after being asked how people can support my channel and say ‘thank you’ for the lessons. And so, here it is! Your support is greatly appreciated. I also really value your comments and feedback. It’s so good to know that I’m not just talking to the wall, and there are many who share my love of music theory. It looks like you’ve all been working hard and the results have shown that the hard work has paid off. I’m so pleased that I can be part of your learning journey and help you on your way.
Buy Me A Coffee Page www.buymeacoffee/sharonbill
All Change! (ABRSM Exams and More) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
09/05/21 08:26
From new ABRSM on-line exam entry systems to new remotely assessed exams, new computer software and a new way of teaching, this year has been a lot to adjust to .Not to mention so many changes in life in general. It’s no wonder that I feel that I’m a bit behind schedule in what I had planned to do by this time. However, as my Gran used to say, “A change is as good as a rest.” There is no doubt that all of the changes over this last year have channelled my teaching practice into a whole new dimension. It’s been a bit of a refining fire, but the resultant clarity has been worth it!
Fipple Fancies (A Not-So Secret Society) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
02/05/21 09:02
Memberships and Societies is an obsession of mine - insomnia has a lot to answer for! Fippler’s Three (a group of four) is a fun group of friends where all sorts of frivolity abounds. We all started to learn the recorder (a member of the Fipple family) and it’s become a rather fabulous group where we talk about all sorts of silly things, as well as asking for general ideas and help on all matters musical. One sleepless night resulted in membership badges, newsletters, cobbled nursery rhymes - even mugs and tote bags! It’s so easy to forget that we play music because we love it. It’s great to share the love of music with our friends, even if it does get a bit silly sometimes.
A Moment of Calm (Suite from The Victorian Kitchen Garden) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
25/04/21 08:31
The Suite from The Victorian Kitchen Garden, by Paul Reade, echoes in my mind as I take a moment of calm, sitting with a brew in the garden, amid a crazily busy week. It never ceases to amaze me how a collection of notes on a page (here specifically for clarinet and orchestra) can magically create a musical representation of a scene. I only recently realised that this music was composed for a TV series which followed the reconstruction of a Victorian garden - which explains the programmatic element of the music. The activity of the birds busily going about their business, or the eccentricities of a local National Trust Garden are all echoed in this music. It’s one of my favourite works.
Give it a Rest - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
18/04/21 09:16
Take a break from your music practice! I say this with caution, as this can easily become an excuse to be lazy. However, we aren’t machines and sometimes it’s good to have a rest. Also, more specifically, you can - sometimes - over practice, in a certain sense. Sometimes it can be good to step away from your instrument for a short rest… Just remember, it’s only sometimes!
Teacher and Pupil Agreement (Roles and Responsibilities) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
11/04/21 08:41
The role of a music tutor and a music student seems obvious; a teacher teaches and a student studies. However, it isn’t always as simple as this. The roles aren’t always musically exclusive but ideally, in order to get the best out of your instrumental music lessons, you need a teacher who is willing to keep learning and is invested in teaching, and you need a student who is willing to learn and take on the role of actively studying.
A Musical Menu (Choosing a Performance Programme) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
04/04/21 09:02
A recital repertoire needs to be chosen carefully. Whether it’s for a performance exam or simply to provide musical entertainment for your friends you need to create a variety of pieces which will flow together to provide a cohesive whole. Also, if your programme is for a music exam, then you need to demonstrate your ability to perform various musical styles. It’s good to think of a musical programme as a menu: we don’t want a series of bland dishes and we don’t want to be overloaded with spice!
It’s a Funny Old World (Renaissance Revelry) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
28/03/21 08:20
Bach’s French Suite in G major is such a lovely set of pieces. Such dances date back to the Renaissance period, in aristocratic circles. I thought it would be enjoyable to do a bit of research into the history of the dance suite and my reading led me down some rather strange paths. It seems that the world has always been a funny old place!
Too Tired to Practice (Music Practice Habits) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
21/03/21 09:17
Regular music practice is vitally important, but with the best of intentions it can be difficult if you are too tired or unwell - should you even try? Of course there’s no easy answer. Consistency is the key to success, but we aren’t machines and some days it just doesn’t work out. All we can do is try!
One-Upmanship (Musical Competitive Rivalry) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
14/03/21 08:25
The arts can be an unkind place and competitive rivalry within the field of music can be rife. However, there is no need for one-upmanship and jealousy - there’s room for us all. Thankfully I’ve had encouraging friends and colleagues and I hope to be as encouraging to others.
Favouritism (When You Play More Than One Musical Instrument) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
07/03/21 08:51
When you play more than one musical instrument it’s inevitable that you will have a favourite - though that favourite may swap and change with your mood at times. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing - it’s just one big, happy, musical family!
Pain, Posture and Performance - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
28/02/21 08:31
Music practice requires muscle stamina, but it should never cause pain. Good posture and general muscle fitness are vital when playing an instrument. There are many ways we can work on good posture when playing. Thankfully my posture when playing is good, but I’ve learned the hard way away from the piano!
A French Festival (Favourite French Music and Art) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
21/02/21 09:08
I may not be able to go on holiday, but the holiday can come to me! I found myself remembering all of the French music that has shaped my musical tastes. I hadn’t realised how much of the music I’ve enjoyed playing was composed by French composers, particularly of the more modern Impressionist style. The same is also true of some of my favourite artists. In my imagination everything converged onto all things French. I wanted to share the moment with you. Here are links to all of the pieces I talk about. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Exams or Not - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
14/02/21 08:47
“Should I take music exams or not?” This is a questions that I’m often asked. Sometimes you don’t get a choice, but if you have the luxury of choice then it really is up to you. However, my advice is - have a go! What’s to lose? Surprisingly there is a lot to be gained!
Practice vs Performance (There is a Difference) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
07/02/21 08:01
Practicing a piece of music and performing a piece of music are two very different things. It is very important to be aware of what your intentions are, otherwise you will waste valuable time at your instrument. Performance is only possible once sufficient practice has taken place. Then the art of performance also now needs to be added into the skillset. This is always an important fact to bear in mind, however the new ABRSM remotely assessed performance exam adds an extra dimension to this. Don’t waste your efforts but be mindful of how you work through your practice sessions. Get the best out of your instrument and enjoy performing the music you love.
Music Room Tour (My Version of a Fridge Tour) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
31/01/21 08:31
I see that Fitness coaches are giving guides of their fridge. You really don’t want to see the inside of my fridge! However, my version of this is to give you a guided tour of my little music room. As I glance around my workroom I see many things that spark off so many memories, as well as the more practical aspects of my day-to-day life. I have artwork that my husband produced decades ago, from when we first met, and cartoons that just make me smile. I also have reference books that take me right back to when I first embarked on my musical journey (though I didn’t realise it at the time). I’m never alone in my music room as I have some furry friends who keep me company there. Welcome to my humble abode.
Music Theory Videos Update (Getting My Ducks in a Row)
30/01/21 09:19
The new Discovering Music Theory workbooks by ABRSM are on my list, and I’m working away in the background to get the lessons online for you. However, I have a lot of background work and I have to just ‘get my ducks in a row’. I know that I’ve had a long break from providing these lessons for you but many factors have been a problem. In addition to family commitment I also have to prioritise my pupils - they have been working so hard and keeping me very busy. (I’m so grateful to my pupils for keeping going despite all of the lockdown situation problems.) I’ve got lots of plans and I’m getting all of my technology sorted - there’s so much to do and I’m really looking forward to making these lessons available to you. Thank you for your patience!
Break It Up - (Divided Music Practice) Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
24/01/21 08:38
Time management with music practice is so important. Unless you have unlimited time to spare it is important to make the best use of your time. As you progress in your instrumental studies you find that you have more and more that you need (or want) to practice, but it’s rare to have regular, long stretches of time. Instead of always trying (and often failing) to find hours of time break up the tasks and work in shorter stretches. You still get the job done! Of course, if you have the luxury of a long stint playing - enjoy it! However, if that isn’t the case divided practice is the answer. I remember some of the stints of huge scale lists that I had to get through (I even find my old lists!) and I’m going to revisit them… but not all at once.
The Golden Rule (ABRSM Multiple Choice Music Theory Technique) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
17/01/21 08:41
The new ABRSM Music theory exam syllabus, with the new digital presentation, still involves a knowledge of the basic foundational elements of music theory. However, when working through this exam there is one Golden Rule: Don’t Look at the Answer Options! Strange as it seems this is a huge mistake. In this vlog I discuss the basic technique for best success in the theory exam. The principle is true in many forms of music, both practical and theory.
Instruments of the Orchestra (A Beginner's Guide) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
10/01/21 08:13
A general understanding of the instruments of the orchestra is required for ABRSM Music theory grades 4 and 5, (and also the advanced grades). However, even if you aren’t studying for an exam a basic understanding of orchestral instruments is beneficial to your own performance, whatever instrument you play. It may be that you are playing an arrangement of a piece of music and understanding the general characteristics of the instrument that the music was originally written for is extremely beneficial. In order to prevent this being a dry exercise of abstract revision, I give a quick, whistle-stop tour of the main instruments of the orchestra (with illustrations) and chat away with personal anecdotes. It’s an engaging topic and I hope that I share my love of all things musical as you hopefully learn something along the way.
Happy New Year! - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
03/01/21 08:03
I really love New Year! It really gives a sense of refocussing and re-engergising. It don’t mean in the sense of ‘new year-new me’ but it’s definitely a real opportunity for at least a new page, if not a new chapter. The Christmas break has been a great time of resting and rummaging through piles of music, but now I’ve got my goals in place and my game face on! Let’s encourage each other on, whatever 2021 may bring. Happy New Year!
Musical Christmas Traditions - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
27/12/20 08:37
Christmas traditions become a feature without us even realising it. Musical Christmas traditions have become a feature in my life but this year the difference is stark. It’s funny, but I’d never realised how ingrained in my life these little Christmas pieces were. I remember all sorts of Christmas music from over the years. This year will be much quieter, owing to the restrictions placed upon us. Nevertheless, I’ll still be at the piano - even if it is by myself.
Vintage Carol Book (The Cowboy Carol) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
20/12/20 10:59
I rediscovered a vintage Christmas Carol piano book that was given to my mum in 1951! I’m not usually given to sentimental keepsakes but I’m thrilled to have this carol book, which has become very special to me - so much so that I have sent away it to be repaired and rebound. The illustrations are truly beautiful. The music itself isn’t difficult at all (it was given to my mum when she was seven years old) but the arrangements are very pretty. I have fallen in love with a really unusual carol, the Cowboy Carol, and I play it for you to wish you a very Merry Christmas!
Take a Bow (Bravo! Shout Out for Exam Success in a Trying Time) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
13/12/20 09:03
A Shout-Out to everyone for working so hard despite all sorts of lockdowns and restrictions. Well done for overcoming the odds and emerging triumphant. I’m so grateful to have been part of your journey. There’s no doubt that that has been a tricky year. I take a moment aside to mention some of the set-back that have prevented me from progressing with my goals for this channel. However, I have great plans for next year and your encouragement and dedication spurs me on! Thank you for your lovely, encouraging comments and thank you for your hard work and dedication to music. Take a bow!
Cheesy Christmas Tunes (A Musical Holiday from Reason) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
06/12/20 08:51
Christmas music is playing in all the shops and cheesy tunes suddenly become standard fare. There’s no point trying to be particular about it so you may as well take a musical holiday from reason and roll with the silliness. In fairness, some of the Christmas music is truly beautiful and the classics stand the test of time. However, some songs age better than others… I look back over some the of music I’ve sung and played over the years. Good or bad, it all brings back happy memories.
ABRSM Performance Exam (First Impressions) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
29/11/20 09:07
ABRSM Performance exam results are in - all my pupils passed! This is the first time I have entered students for a remotely assessed exam and there were a few anxious moments. Concerns about camera angles, file size and the process of submitting the recordings were considerably stressful for me. Also, aspects of interpreting the requirements for the marking criteria have caused much thought and consideration. However, it’s all good news! Now that the first attempt is successfully completed (although there are still some points which I am unsure about) this is definitely an exam style that I would consider for the future.
Enjoy the Journey (Music isn’t a Destination) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
22/11/20 08:51
When starting to learn to play an instrument it’s inevitable that you have particular pieces that you would like, one day, to play. It’s also easy for that to become your sole focus - but then you miss enjoying the journey. I’ve just started to play the treble recorder (as a complete beginner) and, even though I’ve had to work my way through the easiest beginner pieces, I am so enjoying the journey of learning. Be careful that you don’t miss the enjoyment that there is in playing all sorts of pieces as you build up your skillset. Of course keep some favourites in mind as a motivation to practice - but enjoy playing for its own sake, regardless of your ability level.
Arguable Arrangements (Musical Arrangements - Pros & Cons) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
15/11/20 09:17
Musical arrangements are par for the course. They are necessary at times to tailor music to the availability of instruments to hand and the skill of the performer. Some arrangements works particularly well whereas others are just best left alone. If there’s a piece that you’d love to play then by all means enjoy playing an arrangement that works for your chosen instrument. However, I would avoid choosing arrangements as exam pieces. Why would you choose an arrangement when there is a wealth of beautiful music written specifically for your instrument. If you only play arrangements of popular pieces then you miss out on delving into the canon of music and artistic heritage of your chosen instrument. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to really dig into the musical timeline of your instrument and the different techniques that are required for such pieces. If you only choose arrangements you get a narrow perspective in your musical development.
Off the Wall (Avant Garde Music) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
08/11/20 22:14
Modern art and avant garde music causes mixed reactions. I’m not a huge fan of art installations etc but I do like certain pieces of abstract art and I do enjoy playing 20th century music. Both modern art and music can create emotions and can have a beauty all of their own, outside the usual boundaries. I simply love Messiaen’s Preludes and I love to play Debussy’s flute music. However, how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? Things can get strange! I recommend you dip your toes in the waters at least. Who knows what you will discover…
Thank You for the Music - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
01/11/20 08:23
As lockdown restrictions once again come into force, there’s a whole world of pleasure to be found in music making, and I’m reminded of the blessings that I have, as well as the limitations that restrict my musical activity. Even though my world is starting to shrink, yet again, I am made aware of the joy of music and the great musical community that we are! Thank you to my fellow YouTubers for being part of this - you bring me such joy. I’m so grateful. Thank you!
Sight Reading! (Tips and Tricks) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
25/10/20 09:05
Sight reading is something that most of us find tricky! However, there are certain tips and techniques that are helpful in helping you navigate through a piece of music that you have never seen before. Rather than read the music as a series of abstract notes there are ways to see patterns in the music. If you know your music theory, scales and arpeggios then you are even more prepared. Regardless of the technical difficult of the piece the techniques are always the same.
Blobs to Blossoms (What hinders your progress in Music Practice) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
18/10/20 08:51
Learning a new piece of music can be daunting. However, with patience and sustained practice, meaningless blobs eventually blossom into beautiful music. The problem, more often than not, is patience! If we rush the first stages of of learning a piece we tend to get stuck at the ‘blobs stage’ and then the music can never really blossom. It is so important to work through the foundations and correct stages to learning music to get the best results and ultimately enjoy playing beautiful music.
Routine & Regularity (Decision Fatigue) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
11/10/20 08:17
Decision fatigue really robs you of productivity. Although I don’t naturally tend towards routine and strict timetabling there’s no doubt that some sense of structure is beneficial. Without any regularity in your habits its so easy to waste time debating what to do with the time you have. I find that I become stressed and can’t make wise decisions because I’m bombarded with so many things that need to be attended to and I can’t allocate tasks on reflex because I’m so bewildered with so many decisions - and then you don’t work consistently but neither do you relax properly either. I got my coloured pencils out and created a fluid timetable that allows me some aspect of spontaneity whilst still keeping a sense of purpose and structure. It really clarified my thinking!
Fermata and Focus (Time for Reflection) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
04/10/20 09:29
An enforced rest has turned into a blessing in disguise. Although the abrupt halt to my tuition series wasn’t my choice it has really helped me to take the time to refocus and to find to energy. It seems that, as all things are changing, now is a good time to take stock and reconsider the direction my tuition series could take. With ABRSM releasing new music theory in practice books and new exams for the theory taking place, now is a good time to have taken the time to re-think my goals. There’s no doubt the rest has done me good!
Musical Snobbery (Classical vs Pop/Rock) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
27/09/20 09:47
Musical snobbery is an easy trap to fall into. It’s something I have been guilty of in the past, but many things have taught me that preference is very different to pride. As musicians we should show mutual respect and encouragement at all levels, and in all genres. My road to humility started early and took longer than it should have - but it had it’s funny moments and I think I learned my lesson in the end!
Play for Pleasure (The Lord of the Rings/In Dreams) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
20/09/20 10:03
Our home reflects our love of The Lord of the Rings and all things Tolkien. From swords, sketches, jigsaw and embroideries to elf runes painted over the front door. However, it is only since a different piano syllabus (that I don’t usually work with) was brought to my attention, that I would ever have thought of playing any arrangement of the music from the soundtrack to the films. It has reminded me that sometimes it is good to simply play for pleasure - no educational agenda, just playing for the love of the music. I have so enjoyed playing this piano arrangement of ‘In Dreams’ and I hope that you enjoy it too!
Tempus Fugit (Deep Work and the Passing of Time) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
13/09/20 09:18
Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Gray’s Anatomy; browsing through my bookcases at the work of such luminary characters had me wondering whether they had more time back in bygone eras. I’m sure they had the same twenty four hours in each day, but I can’t help feeling that their days passed more slowly. The hours of solitude for deep work and solid concentration that they had in order to create their great works seems out of our reach in the hectic world we now live in. I find myself longing for uninterrupted study time and the need to detox from fractured concentration. I think we have much to inspire us and to motivate us as we look back at the lives of these great people.
New Beginnings (New Academic Year Goals) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
30/08/20 09:50
The new academic year is my favourite time of year! I love the sense of new beginnings, as you plan out your goals and set new targets for your playing and studies. I’m so excited to hear about my student’s new challenges; new school year, new college, new job, starting University - I’m so happy for them. This sense of a new start is enhanced by the fact that Autumn is my favourite time of year. There’s a zest and a fizz in the atmosphere! I love this time of year!
Practice Schedules - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
Get To the Point (Graphite Pencil Demonstration for Music Notation) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
Tempo Tantrums (Music Practice with the Metronome Pros and Cons) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
23/08/20 09:05
The metronome is a great aid to practice - but it can be a mixed blessing. Opinions differ on how helpful practicing to a metronome really is. From my own experience I can’t imagine never using the metronome - but it can cause a bit of a tantrum now and then. The metronome tells no lies and doesn’t wait a millisecond for you! I’ve had some metronome nightmares in my time - but I still endorse it and think it a valuable practice aid… in its place…
Gift or Grit? - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
The Starting Block (The Five Minute Rule for Music Practice) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
16/08/20 08:55
Procrastination is a musician’s worst enemy - and yet we all put off our music practice. Why? It’s not necessarily because we are being lazy (though, no doubt that is sometimes the problem). Sometimes its simply that we are daunted and overwhelmed at the prospect of what lies ahead. We know we’ve a long list of scales to get through and we know ‘that tricky section’ needs sorting… and so we give up before we’ve started. Breaking that barrier is easy if you try the 'five minute rule’ - commit to just five minutes, and then you can be done. I guarantee that you will nearly always find you’re engrossed and will achieve far more than just five minutes. However, if you’re really busy and five minutes is really all you can manage - at least you’ve done something.
What’s it all About? (My Hopes and Fears on YouTube) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
09/08/20 08:04
My YouTube Channel is all about sharing the love of music and sharing what knowledge I have. After many years teaching music I don’t pretend to know it all, but I do have much that I want to share with you, to foster a love of learning music and create an atmosphere of encouragement and learning. However, learning to record and getting over my nerves has taken some practice. It’s good to step outside of your comfort zone - this is how we grow. I’ve learned much along the way and I want to thank you for your encouragement and support, and also for all of the hard work that you do in your studies. Onwards and upwards!
Nail Niggles (A Musician’s Manicure Melodrama) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
02/08/20 11:04
It’s great to finally get a haircut after months of lockdown, but I know that many are still yearning for a manicure and a visit to the nail salon. I’m not usually keen for a trip to a hair salon but I do feel a little hard done to that, as a pianist, I can’t have nicely manicured and painted nails. Depending which instrument you play your manicure can end up quite strange. This is the one sacrifice to music that I do resent just a little bit.
Digital Development (ABRSM Online Music Theory Exams - A Closer Look) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
26/07/20 09:46
Now that the dust has settled I have a closer look at what the Grades 1 - 5 ABRSM Music Theory online exams will look like. A big shout-out to my year 13 pupils who took their Grade 8 Music Theory remotely and braved the computer assessed exam in a last minute exam entry - and they all PASSED! In a sense this has been a sort of pilot exam before the actual pilot of the exams starting in July. All change is uncomfortable but I’m sure we can navigate this. Throughout many changes over the years ABRSM have maintained their academic integrity and I’m sure this will continue to be the case. They will also continue to offer ongoing support to students and teachers alike, so I’m sure all will be well. We just need to gather our thoughts and keep studying. At the end of the day music will always be music and study is always the key to success.
Music Theory Video Lesson Playlists
ABRSM Grade 1 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 2 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 3 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 4 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 5 Playlist
ABRSM Past Exam Practice Papers Playlist
Trinity College London Music Theory Grade 1 Playlist
Ignorance is Bliss (The Only Way is Up!) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
19/07/20 09:21
Starting study in any subject can be daunting. When we first start to look into a topic we can be overwhelmed at just how much we don’t know, and it just doesn’t seem like it’s sinking in. But don’t give up! Learning is a journey, and we all learn in different ways and at a different pace. If you keep at it you can only get better. Let the acknowledgement of your lack of knowledge be the motivation to drive you to want to learn more. We all hit barriers to our learning, but it’s a process. Enjoy the journey and keep studying!
Music Theory Video Lesson Playlists
ABRSM Grade 1 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 2 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 3 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 4 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 5 Playlist
ABRSM Past Exam Practice Papers Playlist
Trinity College London Music Theory Grade 1 Playlist
Digital Drama (ABRSM Music Theory Exams Go On-Line) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
12/07/20 09:21
ABRSM have announced their plans for music theory grades 1 - 5 to move to on-line remote exams. They say that the only thing constant in life is change, and so change is inevitable. This move to taking exams via a computer at home raises various concerns and queries. No doubt as more information become available many questions will be answered. However, these are my first thoughts about the move and some of my experiences of on-line music exams, and writing music using computer software.
ABRSM Grade 1 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 2 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 3 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 4 Playlist
ABRSM Grade 5 Playlist
ABRSM Past Exam Practice Papers Playlist
Choir Music Rummage (Music Therapy) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
05/07/20 08:28
Missing singing in choir concerts and rehearsing with fellow choristers each week sent me rummaging through my choir music stash. To cheer myself up I re-visit old choir scores and recall anecdotal stories that this music triggers. I remember some of my favourite choruses and reminisce bygone concerts. I hope you enjoying sharing some magical musical moments with me as I think of the works from modern composers such as Eric Whitacre Benjamin Britten and Aaron Copeland, as well as older classics from Vivaldi, Mozart and Verdi - and others. The list could go on but I try and reign it in and be selective.
Seal Lullaby
In paradisum
Afton Water - John Rutter
O Can Ye Sew Cushions - John Rutter
Lacrymosa - Mozart Requiem
He watching over Israel
Nicholas and the Pickled Boys
All We Like Sheep
Ching-a-Ring Chaw
Quonium tu solus sanctus -Vivaldi Gloria
Dies Irae Verdi
Agnus Dei, Rossini
Cum Sancto Spirito - Rossini
Back to Bach (Performance Restrictions - Music Will Live to Tell the Tale) Sharon Bill Music Matters
28/06/20 09:33
As live public performances are restricted it can be easy to become down-hearted. However, a glance back in history, to the Baroque period, brings me comfort and reassurance that music will fight on and survive. Public performances didn’t occur until the late 1600s, and very often good musicians were scarce (even in the royal court). Music was largely a domestic affair. Realising that Bach himself struggled under such restrictions - and yet his music survived and shone through the constriction, has encouraged me that we too will live to tell the tale. As musicians we are accustomed to a creative approach to problem solving and already we are showing that we will do what it takes to keep playing. Whether it’s from the balcony of your apartment or via the internet we will keep making music!
Shout Out! (You’ve Got This - Working Hard and Staying Positive) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
14/06/20 08:46
A Shout-Out and a big “Thank You” to you all for showing such a positive and proactive approach to these trying times. It’s so good to see so many of you (too many to properly name) making such good use of this time. You’ve been working so hard and your studying is really paying off. Well done! Also, thank you for letting me know how you’re getting on. It’s so encouraging to know that my videos are helpful to you and it’s good to know that I’m not just talking to the wall. It’s so good to see musicians working together and learning new ways to be creative and to by-pass the problems. Together we’re making it work and keeping busy. Enjoy your studies!
Oops! (Injuries When You're a Musician) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
07/06/20 11:11
Damaged tendons and a painful arm don’t bode well when playing an instrument. I’ve overdone it, working too hard and not listening when my body told me to stop! I should have listened to my own advice and not tried to do too much. Now I will have to take my own advice and use my time creatively and allow my arm to heal. Thankfully, I can still play - though writing can be tricky, but it’s a wake-up call to focus and prioritise. Silly me!
Jack of All Trades (Quantity vs Quality) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
31/05/20 09:26
There is so much pressure to be brilliant at everything, whilst looking amazing and being surrounded by all that is wonderful. But, if you spread yourself too thin you won’t be able to do anything well - and exhausting yourself in the process. This first came home to me when walking around a National Trust property, when I realised how each member of the household had their particular sphere of influence and field of expertise. The old saying “Jack of All Trades” encapsulates the moral of the story… Jack of all trades, master of none!
It's In The Bag (When You Don't Have a Music Room/Study Space) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
24/05/20 08:28
We don’t all have a designated music room, or home office study space. However, it’s so very important to be organised so that we don’t waste valuable study or practice time. Just a few simple tips can make all the difference to maximise your time and create a positive approach of readiness to play or study. From organising your music to having a bag ready to go, as soon as you get the opportunity, you can save yourself valuable time and stress in a few simple steps.
Cheat Practice (Music Practice AWAY From Your Instrument) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
17/05/20 09:35
Diagram your music, draw a picture, ‘read’ your score or just listen: You can be ‘practicing’ while you’re doing the dishes or sitting relaxing with a brew. Of course you need to spend time at your instrument in regular practice. However, there are other approaches, apart from sitting at your instrument, that can really help your performance. Sometimes it’s good to get away from ‘note bashing’ and take a different view point. There are many ways of getting ‘inside’ the music so that, when you come to play again, you’re already ahead of the game.
Scales - Why Bother? (The Benefits of Technical Exercises) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
10/05/20 08:41
Scales, arpeggios and Broken Chords are often seen as a necessary evil to get out of the way before you start the main event of practicing your pieces. However, this is an imbalanced approach. Scales and arpeggios are a valid practice routine in their own right, bringing many physical, technical, analytical and even psychological benefits to your playing. They can even be enjoyable! Approach scales and other technical exercises as a positive use of your practice time and your performance technique will thank you!
Why I Love Music Theory - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
03/05/20 08:17
I love music theory! Studying music theory gives you the tools to understand the music you love listening to and playing, and it gives you the tools to articulate what you like or don’t like about a piece of music.Also, as you start to analyse a musical work, it’s like peeling back the layers of the music and peeping inside the composer’s life and mind. Unfortunately, studying music theory is often viewed as a necessary evil. But if you can step outside of that negative mindset you can begin a journey, like an archeological excavation and there’s no knowing what hidden gems you might find.
Make the Most of it! (Get the Best from my Music Theory Lessons) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
26/04/20 08:53
If you’re watching my YouTube Music Theory lessons I want you to get the maximum benefit from my tutorials, so that your knowledge is secure and you will be ready for your exam. There are study techniques that can help you to retain knowledge more securely, and I discuss psychological theories which aid memory retention. I also explain some short-cuts to help you navigate quickly around the videos. Make sure you are making the most of your study time!
Alone vs Lonely (Life as a Musician) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
19/04/20 08:06
Being alone isn’t the same as being lonely. In order to progress and succeed in any discipline, it’s necessary to spend long hours alone. As a musician we spend long hours practising, but because our brain is busily employed the time flies by and we can then feel that sense of satisfaction. No doubt we all have our down days; no man is an island. However, being alone isn’t necessarily always a negative situation. Try looking at a period of solitude as a positive opportunity and the world looks like a different place.
Get To the Point (Graphite Pencil Demonstration for Music Notation) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
12/04/20 08:31
Writing music notation neatly takes a little bit of practise, but if you have the right tools the job is so much easier. Tidy music manuscript could be as simple as making sure you have the right pencil for the job. However, not all pencils are the same. I discuss which pencils are best for writing music with and I explain why. I also give a demonstration of what effects different pencils have ranging from 6H to 8B.
A Long and Winding Journey (My Meandering Academic Journey) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
05/04/20 08:30
My academic journey wasn’t straightforward. Life is never a simple, straight path - the journey twists and turns, but keeps on unfolding under our feet. Reorganising a bookcase revealed strategic points in my education history and got me thinking about how, even though it’s a winding road, a progression of study had led me along a path that I didn’t even know I was on for many years. Success can’t always be measured by a single indicator and life is always about balancing priorites. I do love a good sort out and, while I was organising my book shelves, I was also sorting out my mind.
8 Practice Pointers (Following The Business Model) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
29/03/20 09:59
Maximise your music practice routine by taking tips from the business world. After listening to several business talks discussing time management and maximising productivity it struck me that much of what is suggested is also beneficial for making sure that we get the most out of our time at our instrument. 8 simple tips give us common-sense advice to help us get maximum benefit from our music practice. I even find a quick burst of motivation from the world of sport!
The Show Must Go On (Staying Positive and Proactive amid the Coronavirus Covid-19 Pandemic) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
22/03/20 08:35
The current health crisis is impacting us all. I discuss how, as a piano teacher, I’m responding to the social and health implications. The necessary precautions are affecting all of my household but we’re adopting a proactive approach and staying positive. I take inspiration from my Grandparent’s lives and the fortitude they exhibited throughout the war years, and I remember the lessons I tried to install in my children years ago - with old photographs I’m not sure they’ll thank me for!
Music as Art (Artwork and Shabby Chic Up-Cycling) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
15/03/20 08:00
Of course I love music in the usual sense but music notation is also so very beautiful in an artistic sense. I collect old music for many reasons; I think it is beautiful to look at and it can be repurposed as pieces of art and also for up-cycling old furniture. I also think that there is a sense of social history in these old music books, as we see glimpses of bygone performances. I don’t like to think of such music going to waste and I like to see it live on in another form.
Writing Bureau Shabby Chic Up-cycle Furniture DIY Project with Chopin and Haydn Sheet Music YouTube Video
Midnight Melody (Grieg Notturno Opus 54 No 4) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
08/03/20 16:17
Grieg’s Notturno (Opus 54 No 4) seems like the perfect piece to choose when sleep evades and the piano calls. I used to play this piece often when the children were small but it’s languished in a pile of music until just now. My family are quite used to me playing the piano at strange hours of the night, so I thought you might like to join me in a little midnight melody. I preface the playing of this nocturne by giving a little introduction to the music and the composer. Enjoy!
Why Bother? (Why is Music and Art So Important?) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
01/03/20 08:25
Playing an instrument can be hard work at times. Any artistic endeavour involves many hours of application and effort, and sometimes we can’t help but wonder, ‘Why Bother?’ It’s difficult to express in words the tangible effect that music and art has on our lives but we are much more than mere machines. Pieces of art and video clips help me to express the impact that music and art has on my life . Visits to the National Trust give me ample opportunity to find inspiration and help to explain why music and art deserve a place in our lives. Making music is so very worth the effort - keep on bothering!
The National Trust
Little girl dancing to old church choir Youtube Video
Mozart Mojo Music Exam Prep - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
23/02/20 09:46
As exams loom it’s inevitable that we will feel nervous. We might look about us for a magical cure to deal with these nerves and help us to do our best. Although I have a bottle of Fairy Dust and a very special bottle of Mozart Mojo it’s unlikely that such things will be of any real value. The surest way to success is through consistent, regular application. Whether it’s your ABRSM music theory exam or your your practical (piano) exam I’ve lots of tips to help you and a wealth of resource to guide you every step of the way.
Away Day - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
16/02/20 08:00
Mendelssohn’s “Elijah’ in a day! Nantwich Choral Society’s ‘Come and Sing’ event brought some interesting revelations and the fun began before we’d even sung a note, including stories of choristers being paid in sprouts and choirs singing in their wedding dresses! It was a tiring day (it’s a long Oratorio, with 42 movements) but it was so great to meet choristers from far and wide and I learned so many interesting tidbits about the work and the composer. What better way to spend a Saturday than meeting lots of lovely people and singing marvellous Mendelssohn?
For He shall give His angels charge over thee
Blessed are the men who fear Him
Cast thy burden upon the Lord
Thanks be to God
Lift thine eyes
He watching over Israel
And then shall your light break forth
Are You Sitting Comfortably? - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
09/02/20 08:28
Good posture is important in general, but is vital when spending time practising an instrument whether it’s singing, playing piano or playing a wind instrument. Whatever you play, bad posture can be detrimental to both your health and your musical performance. It can also play an important psychological role to your mental attitude when you practice. However, a few simple steps can set everything straight and give us a solid foundation for when we spend time at our instrument.
Sounds Like A Plan - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
02/02/20 08:51
Very few of us have unlimited time to spend practicing. We need to be mindful of how we spend our time at our instrument and time management is vital in making sure we make the best progress we can in what time we have available. Deciding what we want to achieve when we play is so important. Whether it’s playing for pleasure or getting down to hard work, we need to be aware of our goals before we play - that way we won’t be disappointed with the end result.
Gift or Grit - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
26/01/20 10:12
Is musical ability a gift that just drops in our lap or is it a matter of hard work and consistent practise? Like many topics the answer is multi-faceted with no simple explanation. Some get a head start but musicianship is always related to application and growth in knowledge and ability. There’s always something new to learn but it’s all about enjoying the journey.
NEW 2019 ABRSM Past Exam Practice Papers - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
19/01/20 09:20
2019 ABRSM Past Exam Practice Papers are finally here, hot off the press! They’re an excellent revision resource and a great way to make sure you’re thoroughly prepared for your ABRSM Music Theory Exam. I’ve everything you need to help you work through these papers: I explain how to get the most from these practice papers and also how to make the most use of the videos I’ve prepared so that you are thoroughly confident in all the areas you need to understand for your ABRSM music theory exam.
Music Theory For Everyone Playlist
Grade 1 Playlist
Grade 2 Playlist
Grade 3 Playlist
Grade 4 Playlist
Grade 5 Playlist
The First 5 videos for 2019 ABRSM Grade 5 Music Theory Past Exam Practice Paper A parts 1 - 5
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
2019 ABRSM Music Theory Past Exam Papers for papers A grades 1-4 and papers B, C and S will follow over the next few weeks of 2020
Hallelujah - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
12/01/20 09:04
Handel’s Messiah is a great way to herald in the start back to work. I’ve enjoyed a break but I’m glad to be back on timetable and I’m really pleased to be back at choir (Ceramic City Choir), especially if we’re singing an old favourite like Messiah. I’ve enjoyed singing various unusual pieces over the last year or so, but I’m looking forward to revisiting some more familiar works. As I flip through my old score I’m reminded of some past performances - some of which didn’t go so well. (In fact some were hilariously bad).
Here are some YouTube Snippets
All We Like Sheep
Surely, He Hath Borne our Griefs
For Unto Us a Child is Born
Happy New Year - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
01/01/20 09:17
I love the sense of a fresh new year! It’s a time to plan ahead and refocus your goals. I’ve so many plans for my YouTube Channel for the year ahead. Get your pencils and your music books ready - together we’ve got this!
Thank You - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
29/12/19 08:21
The close of the year is a time to look back and reflect. I look back over my YouTube journey so far and I want to thank you for your kind comments, your encouragement and also for your hard work. You have had such amazing success in your ABRSM exam results! It makes all the difference to know that there are real people out there and I’m not just talking to a camera lens. Such amazing exam pass marks and such lovely comments make it all worthwhile. Thank you!
On The Other Foot - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
23/12/19 09:05
For a change I’m sitting in the audience for a musical “Celebration of Saint Cecilia” - the patron saint of music. I’m usually chatting away about the various music activities that I’m participating, but this time the shoe is on the other foot and I go to listen to my friend sing with Keele Bach Choir. Sitting in the audience brings a whole new perspective to me about supporting local music. It’s also a great opportunity embrace new music and widen my horizons.
Choral Christmas Cheer - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
22/12/19 09:32
I’m all set for our Ceramic City Choir Christmas Carol Concert. We’re singing unusual and beautiful arrangements of carols, quite unknown Christmas songs as well as the usual congregational carol singing. On top of that we’ll be enjoying fantastic pipe organ solos and piano duets. I talk you through our programme and I’ve added links below so that you can join me in spirit. Merry Christmas!
Ring Out, Wild Bells
Sussex Carol
In the Bleak Midwinter
The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy
Silent Night
O, Clap Your Hands
O little Town of Bethlehem
The Lamb
Come, Colours Rise
Memories and Musings - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
15/12/19 22:55
Music has been an integral part of my children’s life, from watching me perform to then performing themselves as part of our local music service. I’m so grateful for the input that so many people have had in their development over the years. Music education in schools, and also funding for extra curricular activities, is a topical debate and there are no easy answers. However, music, as a subject, has so much to give us all - even if it’s not destined to be your chosen profession. Here is my family’s story and my expression of thanks to all those who have been a part of our journey.
Reflections on Rigoletto - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
01/12/19 08:03
Music always has something new to offer but the new adaptation of Verdi’s Rigoletto, by the Glyndebourne Opera, has a surprising relevance to our modern life. Before I even got to the music there was so much more to this performance than I could have expected. Of course, the music itself was pure bliss! I expected to enjoy myself but Glyndebourne’s Rigoletto just keeps on giving.
Digital vs Acoustic - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
24/11/19 09:28
Acoustic piano or digital piano - which is ‘best’? It’s like asking “How long is a piece of string?” It’s an impossible question because life is always about context and compromise. Budget, space and practicality are all matters that need to be weighed in the balance. The most important point is to make sure that music is being made!
Incidentally Speaking - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
17/11/19 08:57
Music is everywhere! Even if you think you’re not ‘into music’ it forms an integral part of everybody’s life. Incidental music makes sense of movie plots and makes advertisements memorable. We also use music to create a particular atmosphere or stamp a piece of our personality into a special occasion. You can’t get away from it - music is all around you.
Music - Art or Science? - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
10/11/19 08:39
Music is now classed among the Arts and Humanities, but this hasn’t always been the case. Only a few hundred years ago Music was classed as a Science. Although this sounds strange to our ears at first, it actually makes perfect sense. It also provides a helpful foundation of thinking in the way we approach our music practice. Of course, the best case is to take the best of both worlds and make a mix of the two categories!
Practice Schedules - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
03/11/19 08:27
When you’re working towards a performance exam there’s so much to practice: Piece A, Piece B, Piece C, Scales, Arpeggios, Broken Chords. If you’re not wise in how you manage your practice time you can let some aspects slip while you concentrate on one particular thing. Don’t worry! With a bit of nifty time management you can keep all of those practice plates spinning and keep on top of everything. I give tips and hints on how to make the most of the time you spend at your instrument - I even give you a template for a practice schedule.
Performance Exam Nerves - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
27/10/19 12:38
Whether it’s piano, flute, clarinet - any instrument, and regardless of whether it’s ABRSM, Trinity, LCM - any exam board; taking a performance exam can be nerve-wracking! However, a bout of nerves isn’t necessarily a bad thing and there are ways to deal with nerves so that it doesn’t interfere with your performance. I chat about some obvious coping mechanisms and some not so obvious to help you make the best of your performance exam - you might even enjoy it!
Music Theory Exam Preparation - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
20/10/19 15:25
With ABRSM Music Theory exams looming it’s easy to become overwhelmed, but good preparation is the solution. If you know that you’re fully prepared then there’s no need to get stressed and you can actually enjoy the fruit of your hard work with a great exam result. After decades of experience in entering pupils for exams I give you revision tips and explain how to be fully prepared for your music theory exam, to help you to work towards your best exam mark.
Mixed Media Music - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
16/10/19 15:01
From Scala Radio, Classic FM and Radio 3 to Radio 2 and all the local stations we have plenty of musical variety to choose from. And then we have Amazon music, Spotify and iTunes - the list goes on. I myself am a fan of creating my own playlists. My choices are extremely varied and I can swap between Meatloaf and Mozart depending upon my mood. I have a look at whats on my different playlists and what dictates my choices. Music is for pleasure and we are never short of options.
Singing in a Choir - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
06/10/19 15:23
I love singing in a choir! It’s a great way to meet with other musicians and enjoy being part of a live musical performances. Music isn’t just about working hard and practising. Of course, it is important that we keep practising to hone our skills, but we do this because we love music and we should enjoy it. Music is for pleasure too! As a member of Ceramic City Choir I get the chance to be part of all sorts of live performances with full orchestras, as well as piano and orang accompaniment. It’s great to sing some of the familiar favourites but it’s been great to try some new and unusual repertoire too - there’s always something new to learn.
Ceramic City Choir Website
My Journey Into Music - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog
29/09/19 15:03
Welcome to my first Vlog! I thought it would make a nice change to step away from music theory and piano to just have a chat. It’s obvious that music is an important part of my life and I’ve looked back to to try and find out how it all started. Listening to pieces such as Annie’s Song by John Denver, played on the flute by James Galway, to a Mozart Piano Sontata, to Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor - all seem to have made an impact, though I didn’t realise it at the time. As I’ve searched back into my family history I’ve had some surprising discoveries - it makes me wonder just how much we are influenced by things we don’t even notice at the time.
Music and Mindfulness
22/07/19 15:10

There has never been any doubt that music is good for the soul and, now more than ever, music therapy is leading the way in this area. Whether it’s a good old sing-song or listening to uplifting music, the benefits are immeasurable. However, I would suggest that you can go even deeper. Read More…
Fugue Facts
19/06/19 13:39

The ABRSM Grade 6 Piano (2019 & 2020) syllabus, List A:2, includes a Bach Fugue. This is a particularly pretty composition and relatively attainable as Bach Fugues go. The footnotes in the Exam Pieces book are helpful in guiding you to where the specific elements of the piece can be found. However, it may be that you aren’t familiar with the terminology and form of a fugue. I’ve outlined the basic elements of fugue form to help you understand what it is you are playing. Read More…
Bullet For My Performance Skills
09/04/19 08:56

I’m seeing a lot about music practise diaries and music bullet journals. Whilst habit tracking is an excellent discipline there are some pitfalls to be wary of. Read More…
Saying it Straight
19/11/18 23:52

Musical terms and performance directions take some time to get to grips with. Percy Grainger makes us wonder why we ever bothered to try! Read More…
A Thousand Thumbs UP
03/11/18 14:58

Whoop Whoop! I’ve finally crossed over the 1,000 subscriber line on my YouTube channel! I’m a very small fish in a monumentally large YouTube pool - but I’m on the first rung of the ladder now! Read More…
Riotous Rossini
22/10/18 14:53

It was such a treat to revisit Rossini’s Petite Messe Solenelle after an absence of several years. It certainly isn’t petite and it most definitely isn’t solemn! Read More…
Saturday Culture Spot
22/04/18 16:56

I've been re-watching the Morse TV series on DVD and yesterday I felt like I was part of one - thankfully the only accompaniment was the pipe organ and the 18th Century Concert Orchestra, not a dastardly murder! Read More…
Lights, Camera, Action!
05/03/18 10:46

YouTube is an excellent resource. Whatever you want to learn, you can find it there. With ABRSM Music Theory exam time only just behind us I thought this was a good opportunity to show you behind the scenes when I'm recording my Music Theory Tuition Series. Read More…
Time Stands Still
29/11/17 13:49

Hanon piano scale exercises practised with a metronome inevitably means that a large chunk of time is carved out of your day - every day. So why bother?
Read More…
A Requiem and A Requiem
04/11/17 21:23

Three days apart and yet whole worlds apart: From the extreme drama of Verdi to the purity of Fauré - all in the life of an amateur chorister. Read More…
Music Tuition YouTube Videos by Sharon Bill
29/09/17 07:45

After 25 years of piano and music theory tuition my lessons are now available on YouTube in glorious cinematic 4K!
Each of the videos is exactly as I would teach at home - it's as if you were sitting next to me for your weekly lesson.
Beginning with the absolute basics I explain about Read More…
Batter the Clock!
15/09/17 19:13

In the Midlands “Fritter” means a large slice of potato deep-fried in batter and is surprisingly tasty. However, the word has another universal meaning which is even worse news for our health. Read More…
New Academic Year
07/09/17 18:18

The start of the academic year and the autumnal darker, colder nights causes many complaints. After all the moaning and groaning about being back to school I feel I should re-dress the balance. There's a fresh chill in the air in the morning and it's a fresh, new start to the school year. I love September! Read More…
Music Theory - Tell the World!
19/08/17 16:43

Music theory is a subject that never grows old. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned connoisseur, or even if you just want to become a more informed listener - I've got something for you! I just love to teach. From when I was about seventeen years old I've loved to share what knowledge I have and to spread the joy of learning music. I've taught classes of junior school children, I've taught groups of OAPs and I also teach on a one-to-one basis. Now I can tell the world! Read More…
Jane Austen Bicentenery Anniversary
19/07/17 16:20

It is a truth universally acknowledged that we all love Jane Austen. The 200th anniversary of her death is a good time to appreciate the pleasure her work still brings. But why? How does she still capture her audience after all these years? Read More…
Will You? It's a battle of the mind!
27/06/17 17:50

The battle of the mind is the greatest battle we all face. In this article I suspect I'm preaching to myself! The original article had the title "Will You?" but I think I should rename it "Will I?" to keep things in perspective! Read More…
Priceless or Worthless?
24/12/16 20:45

Christmas shopping can be a depressing business, especially when everybody already has what they want or need. I hate just buying a perfunctory gift - it feels like throwing your money to the wind. I’ve taken to making gifts more and more and I’ve always understood that these gestures have been enjoyed and appreciated. I certainly love to receive handmade gifts but I’ve recently had a crisis of confidence as I’ve discovered that not everybody thinks this way. Read More…
True Grit
28/11/16 13:01

The Open University Graduation ceremony was the starting point on my thoughts for a local village magazine. Read More…
Damask Designs
26/10/16 19:32

I've always had a thing for Damask, whether fabric, wallpaper or artwork in general. It reminds me of the William Morris designs that I love so much. I know it isn't considered trendy but it keeps on finding a place in my home.
Read More…
The Never Ending Journey
02/08/16 20:07

"How long does it take to learn to play the piano?" It's a question that I'm often asked but it's an impossible question. It's like asking, "How long is a piece of string?" The most important thing when you are learning to play music is that you have to decide to enjoy the journey, because it's a journey that never ends. Read More…
Slay a Few Demons!
09/07/16 11:41

ABRSM piano scales make for effective therapy. Now, I’m not suggesting that I’m ever in a bad mood… but, hypothetically speaking if I was, it’s better to take it out on the piano. There’s nothing quite like bashing up and down four octaves of the keyboard to vent your spleen and ABRSM of the old school provided plenty of material to go at.
Read More…
Keep Smiling (but not too widely)
15/01/16 16:52

New Year's Resolutions are usually my thing and so it mortifies me to have to swallow my pride and join the throng in the gym membership fervour. Determination not to be counted as one of the keen beginners, only to drop out in a few weeks, is just one of the factors that are keeping me motivated to keep working…
I don't mind being middle aged, but I do mind the thought of being too overweight as well. I'm also noticing that my asthma isn't so good which is linked to weight and fitness. If I don't sort it now then it's only going to get more difficult. I'm naturally a sedentary person: I sit down to teach piano, I sit down to write and I relax by sitting down and reading. I'm gradually building up my stamina and don't need to take breaks between increasing numbers of lengths.Typical for a musician though - I keep losing count of my lengths. During this particular swim there was an extra motivation keeping me moving. I'd mistimed my session and needed to swim in a cordoned off area during an OAP aqua-fitness class. Although it made the water a bit choppy it would have been OK, however, we had to evacuate the pool because some poor soul had lost their teeth in the pool. The worst part was the fact that nobody could find them. That kept me swimming - I didn't dare put my feet down!
It transpires that the dentures dilemma isn't restricted to the swimming pool. I heard of a conductor who spat his teeth out in a particularly frenzied movement. Unabashed he simply bent down and reinserted them without losing a beat.
Read More…
That's me - to a 'Tea' ...
21/12/15 17:40
Hesitant Musician
11/11/15 16:42

In my forthcoming eBook “Letters from the Broom Cupboard” I refer to what I have termed the “Treble Clef Brigade”. - an exclusive club that I never dared to join.
Putting up the Christmas decorations this year I realised that I have made some progress in overcoming an inherent fear that I have in this area and I’ve finally succumbed to the lure of musical frippery. It’s something that I’ve never dared venture before. I have a sneaking suspicion that I’ll live to regret it! Read More…
Musical Moments
25/10/15 16:37

I stumbled upon an old copy of Handel’s Flute Sonatas whilst tidying up my music shelves (instead of actually practicing - an old trick of mine). I found some music that I was playing when I first met my husband. Who was this ‘Sharon Healey’ - I can barely remember her. I remember the flute Sonata better than I actually remember myself back then. In an effort to get to know who this Miss Healey was I had a rummage through some photographs and came across a school picture that captured quite well who I was.
Read More…
Keeping My Hand In
15/10/15 00:10

During my A level studies figured bass and four part harmony weren't high on my list of priorities - and I certainly never imagined that I'd choose to attempt an exercise in the small hours of the morning out of choice. Read More…
Executive Away Day
13/10/15 21:46

Team Building and project management formed our business away day - alternatively me and David went for a jolly trip to Llandudno to have a chat about family life and work. Read More…
Fickle Flute Fancies
10/10/15 13:09

The relationship between a woodwind player and their instrument technician is one of trust. I always feel a tinge of shame as I hand over a tarnished flute housed in a dust-ridden case. It's an expression of guilt and an acknowledgement that your beloved instrument is about to get the TLC it has been deprived of for some time and so desperately deserves.
Read More…
Productive Insomnia
27/09/15 17:08
How Long is a Piece of String?
25/08/15 00:17

For the Summer Edition of our little village magazine, in my role as private music tutor, I attempt to answer to question ever present on a new pupil's lips: 'How long will it take?" It's an impossible question but I do my best in my usual article… Read More…
New eBook on the horizon
04/08/15 19:25

My new eBook is on the very near horizon. It's a sort of 'Memoirs of a Music Tutor' written as a series of letters. Here is an extract to give you a taste of things to come. I've really enjoyed writing it, I hope you enjoy reading it… Read More…
I Just Need to “STOP!”
24/07/15 16:12

“Mutations,” “Diapason,” “Open” and “Stopped” are terms I never thought worthy of consideration until now. I’m really enjoying looking into playing the pipe organ more professionally, rather than as a pianist who can just about manage to swing a left foot in the general direction of a bass pedal. Getting both of my feet going on a two octave pedalboard is only one of the challenges it seems, the whole organ registration and technicalities involved in choosing which “stops” to use appears to be a strange mixture of both art and science! Read More…
Slow but Steady Wins the Race
23/07/15 23:13

Aesop's Fables, in choral presentation, featured in my submission to our local quarterly village magazine. As ever, there was a moral to the story… Read More…
Fascinating Stuff!
20/06/15 12:39

This month’s Women’s Institute competition was to make a Fascinator. The speaker was a lady who ran a modelling agency and the talk was entitled "Making the Most of Yourself." Read More…
Music for the Moment
10/06/15 23:12

In a past article for our quarterly village magazine I comment upon how music makes a soundtrack for our lives… Read More…
Burning the Midnight Oil
29/05/15 22:05

Grieg's 'Notturno' seems like the perfect piano piece for a bout of insomnia. With the volume down (or the practise pedal locked on) it shouldn't disturb anybody - but even if they do wake it's a pleasant piece to fall back asleep to.
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Classical vs classical
25/05/15 22:58

The phrase "Classical Music" can mean two entirely different things. In my contribution, as a music tutor, to our village magazine I attempt to clarify the distinction. Read More…
Is Music Art or Science?
16/05/15 23:06

Is learning to play an instrument a discipline of the arts or the sciences. It's surprising how history and culture shapes how we view learning. As a music tutor I write for a quarterly parish magazine. In this article from last year I grapple with the way society now approaches the arts… Read More…
Productive Insomnia
14/05/15 21:35
"Quartet" - A Review
05/05/15 22:51

This review of the Film "Quartet" featured in a local quarterly magazine that I contribute to.
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New Repertoire...
29/04/15 13:31

A complete change as we now begin rehearsing Poulenc's Gloria. We'll be back 'at home' in The Victoria Hall, Hanley for this one - with a full orchestra too! Read More…
'Music from Two Shores' Ceramic City Choir Concert
26/04/15 13:13

The concert of Copeland's 'Old American Songs' and 'Songs and Sonnets from Shakespeare' by Sir George Shearing went much better than I could have hoped. Read More…
The Piano - A Closer Look
25/04/15 22:25

As part of my private music tuition practice I write a quarterly article for a local parish magazine. Here is a piece I wrote some years ago explaining the history and basic mechanisms of the piano… Read More…
On the road again - Introducing our bike's names
18/04/15 21:56

More sunshine meant that a Triumph Bonneville, a Triumph Speed Triple and a Suzuki SV650 needed a trip out again. A favourite run of ours is to Buxton through the Peak District National Park. Read More…
Careers' Portfolio
14/04/15 07:54

Years ago I read an article which discussed the concept of a 'Careers' Portfolio'. It stated that more and more people were turning their backs on a single, all consuming career in favour of one, two or even three self employed occupations. Read More…
Peace and Goodwill to all Men
13/04/15 19:54

With all of the recent World War Remembrance I recall the story of local effort - where everybody did their bit. Although the concept of peace and goodwill to all men is traditionally associated with Christmas time, such sentiments needn’t be restricted to just once a year. Here is an article I wrote in our parish magazine some years ago… Read More…
A Night at the Opera
10/04/15 17:03

Madama Butterfly at The Regent Theatre, Stoke-on-Trent is possibly the most enjoyable opera that I've been to! Perhaps it was down to the good company that I had too. Read More…
Holiday Theory Club
08/04/15 13:05

Although I'm officially on holiday from teaching during the Easter holidays I've timetabled some extra theory lessons as exam entry time is fast approaching. Read More…
Inspiration, then Perspiration
03/04/15 19:48

As part of my private music tuition practice I write a quarterly article for a local parish magazine. Here is a piece I wrote some years ago… Read More…
Grass Roots
25/03/15 18:21

Music can be enjoyed on many levels. As part of my private music tuition practice I write a quarterly article for a local parish magazine. Here is a piece I wrote some years ago… Read More…
Music - An Expression of the Heart
10/03/15 18:10

You'd never put Parry's Anthem "I Was Glad" in the same sentence as Football and EXCPN TV - but we did. As part of my private music tuition practice I write a quarterly article for a local parish magazine. Here is a piece I wrote some years ago… Read More…