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Sharon Bill Music Tutor & Author

The Humble Pencil (A Musician’s Best Friend) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog

My journey in music has had the humble pencil as a constant companion. Partly due to necessity - you have to take your pencil to orchestra and choir (or you’re in trouble!), but mostly because I simply love scribbling with a pencil! Music and scribbling with a pencil have been inextricably intertwined since I was about six years old. Just holding a pencil in my hand makes me think better and it’s so relaxing to scribble notes and hear the scratchy sound as the notes form on the page. A new pack of pencils opens up a vista of memories, as I realise just how happy a pack of pencils makes me. They say it’s good to celebrate the small things in life, but in this case such a small thing has rather a big place in my life.

Get it Right! (Bemoaning Bad Music Merch) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog

Music merchandise can be great, but it can be super annoying! If you’re going to emblazon a product with notation please get it right! Music is a thing of beauty as a visual art in it’s own right, but it should be playable and make music sense. It doesn’t take much to get a note drawn the right way round and it annoys me when it’s a bad rendition. Perhaps I take things too seriously? Do I need to chill out a bit?

Buy Me A Coffee (and Thank You to You Too!) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog

I’ve added the opportunity to “Buy Me A Coffee” after being asked how people can support my channel and say ‘thank you’ for the lessons. And so, here it is! Your support is greatly appreciated. I also really value your comments and feedback. It’s so good to know that I’m not just talking to the wall, and there are many who share my love of music theory. It looks like you’ve all been working hard and the results have shown that the hard work has paid off. I’m so pleased that I can be part of your learning journey and help you on your way.

Buy Me A Coffee Page www.buymeacoffee/sharonbill

All Change! (ABRSM Exams and More) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog

From new ABRSM on-line exam entry systems to new remotely assessed exams, new computer software and a new way of teaching, this year has been a lot to adjust to .Not to mention so many changes in life in general. It’s no wonder that I feel that I’m a bit behind schedule in what I had planned to do by this time. However, as my Gran used to say, “A change is as good as a rest.” There is no doubt that all of the changes over this last year have channelled my teaching practice into a whole new dimension. It’s been a bit of a refining fire, but the resultant clarity has been worth it!

Fipple Fancies (A Not-So Secret Society) - Sharon Bill Music Matters Vlog

Memberships and Societies is an obsession of mine - insomnia has a lot to answer for! Fippler’s Three (a group of four) is a fun group of friends where all sorts of frivolity abounds. We all started to learn the recorder (a member of the Fipple family) and it’s become a rather fabulous group where we talk about all sorts of silly things, as well as asking for general ideas and help on all matters musical. One sleepless night resulted in membership badges, newsletters, cobbled nursery rhymes - even mugs and tote bags! It’s so easy to forget that we play music because we love it. It’s great to share the love of music with our friends, even if it does get a bit silly sometimes.