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Sharon Bill Music Tutor & Author

Let Your Fingers Do The TALKING


I spend my days tripping my fingers over keyboards of one sort or another. I seem to remember writing an article with the very similar title, ‘Let Your Fingers Do The Walking’ discussing the various merits of playing the piano. However, I’ve also been busily tapping away on my computer keyboard and I’m now enjoying seeing the fruits of my labour in my first published books.
My debut novel is a Cosy Mystery, ‘Fête Fatale,’ where a Women's Institute Summer Fête is interrupted by a sudden death which breaks the holiday mood. The protagonist, Beth Williams, uses her domestic network and WI friends to help her twin brother (a Detective Chief Constable) to get to the bottom of the case. Her methods are very different from the official lines of enquiry. The synopsis ends with the words, “Sordid crime might prevail amid the pastries and preserves for a time but, in the end, the culprit will get their just desserts.” However, even in this book the dual keyboard analogy holds true as the character, Beth, is also a piano teacher.
My second published book combines both aspects of tapping keyboards because I write of my experiences as a piano tutor. The title ‘Letters from The Broom Cupboard’ refers to the many windowless music practice rooms that I have taught in. They say that truth is stranger than fiction and I can certainly attest to that! I must however point out that anybody who plays an instrument is “all right” in my book (pardon the pun!) and if I take a light hearted view of some of my experiences I laugh at myself equally hard.
My final book is of a more serious tone and is an exam preparation guide for students intending to take ABRSM Music Theory Grades 1, 2 or 3. In this booklet I give many exam tips and techniques that have been tried and tested over more than 25 years.
My fingers are still busy on the piano too! I’ve started up a YouTube channel with LOTS of help in understanding music theory and demonstrating it simply on the piano. I’ve also got lots of practical tips in store too. There’s so much that is in the pipeline that I’m having to run to try and keep up with myself - and it’s FREE too!