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Technical Names for the Degrees of the Scale - A Closer Look with Sharon Bill

Technical Names fo the Degrees of the Scale with Sharon Bill

This lesson is an additional lesson to support your work in your study for Music Theory Grades. Each step (or degree) of the scale is given a technical name. Although it is relatively easy to memorise these names it is much more interesting if we delve a little deeper into why these names represent each degree of the scale. It’s a fascinating topic and it makes it so much easier to remember the names if we understand what each term means. Let’s take a closer look!

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My Patreon Channel has Three Tiers.
Tier 1 ABRSM Grades 1-3
Tier 2 ABRSM DMT Grades 4-5
Tier 3 ABRSM DMT Grades 1-5 and you can ask two questions per month
(Grades 1 - 5 are now all online. Grade 6 is going live from August 2022, 7 and 8 are for future production. Check Patreon for updates)